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Want to get into Wicca, but don't know where to begin


I am interested in diving into the Wicca religion. I've been interested in said religion for about four years now. However, I am at a total lost on where and how to become a Wiccan. Anyone have any tips or advice? Thanks!

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Reply by Lunabeam


Hey! Ive been practicing for 20 years. Feels weird to say...anywho..my best advice is to read as much as you can

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Reply by Dustin


Depending on which book you read (or which tradition you practice)
directly affects how you "become Wiccan." Various traditions of Wicca
require initiation by a practitioner or a coven, like the Gardnerian and
Alexandrian traditions. Solitary practitioners tend to go with a
self-dedication ceremony, just to create a milestone of the day the
decision was made and to dedicate their studies.

The real meat of this answer is: to read anything and everything you can get your hands on. There is a lot of available information on the Internet, and many books can be found for free.
Books by Gerald Gardner, Raymond Buckland, Doreen Valiente, Margot Adler, etc.  Many people will tell you to read information from Scott Cunningham, but many Wiccans reject Cunningham because he teaches Neo-Wicca, and not Traditional Wicca. I would still read his books (and have a few in my library), but I think it's important to understand the difference before diving in.

Some information about the authors:
There are plenty of publications by Gerald Gardner himself. Raymond Buckland was a student of Gerald Gardner, Doreen Valiente acted as High Priestess in Gerald Gardner's coven. Margot Adler was a High Priestess of an American Gardnerian coven.

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Reply by Robot


"Wicca is the religion of love.

Love is a human desire for one's own self.

The human mind is not a machine. It's human nature. Love, as a desire to have something for yourself. It is the most powerful human emotion. It can bring you joy and love in any way it can."

"Love has a human essence.

Love can make you a better man or better person."

I am not an expert on the subject but I have heard many people say this.

The main difference is that Wiccanism is a very human belief that one can be a Wicca and one can not. The Wicca is not a machine and is not a mind. The mind does everything it can. It's not a mind, mind is just something. The mind is a tool to help you achieve happiness and love.

Wiccany has the power of making your life more enjoyable and happier. The Wicca can make you more successful and happier, and that is why we are here here.

"Wiccany has the power to make the world better for you and your family.

The world is your own, and your own. It is your destiny."

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Reply by V Holeček Art


Not personally Wiccan myself, but the two books that were readily-available when I was reading up on it were The Witches' Bible and Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (aka "the big blue book")

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