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Posted by Quentin


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

Anyone figured out how to use JS on their profiles? That would make for some great animations and functionality. I have tried adding <script> tags with no success. I figure this is something that probably wont be possible, but I figured it was worth a shot.

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8 Replies

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Reply by Core Paradox


Can't use scripts, but you can create CSS animations which can be pretty powerful.

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Reply by Quentin


Yeah, I figured so. Thank you!

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Reply by Ross M.


Probably not great to be able to inject JS tbh.

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Reply by Scotty Foxx


JS could be a security risk so they will probably hold off on adding that support for a while.

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Reply by Utility


Injecting JS would be cool but would be insanely insecure :(

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Reply by Squishy


depending on what your looking for and if you had control over a hosting server or website couldent you just use clever instances of iframe? we use to back in the day on sites like this but honestly its been so long and i would hope this wouldent be the case anymore

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Reply by Peter S


Re: Squishy,

The URL for an iframe has to be for an approved site like YouTube. Any other URL is edited out. The 'srcdoc' attribute is also edited out.

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Reply by woot


yeah, after joining i tried poking around to see if i could run any js
at all from my page (even anchors with js urls) , and the answer was a No.
I dont think they would be adding this any time soon because it would
be a security nightmare.

note: i tried writing "java-script: urls" (without the dash) and it mis-flagged that in this very reply, which is fun. had to add the dash so it wouldnt flag it again.

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