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what are ur top 3 mlp songs? <3

Posted by :: trixie toxxic ::


Forum: Equestria Group

elloo!!! sorry i havent posted much in the group :0 it's hard  2 get online lately.

anyways, what are your top 3 songs from mlp?? not including equestria girls because there are too many amazing songs from the movies XD

my list would probably be:

1. it's gonna work
2. laughter song
3. this day aria

can u tell who my fav pony is? lol

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18 Replies

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Reply by xXMaxthefandomessXx


1. This day Aria

2. Welcome to the show
3. Say goodbye to the holiday 

I'm not entirely sure if this is my top 3, so I'll leave some honorable mentions :)

Music to my ears, At the gala song and Tricks up my sleeve

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Reply by Hatch


the Flim Flam Brothers cider song B)

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Reply by SPR1NKL3Z DA SC3N3 K1D


1. This Day Aria

2. Art of the Dress
3. Babs Seed

If I had to include a song not in FiM I'd include Pinkies Brew and Rainbow Factory

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Reply by Dinic 💫


oh shoot that's hard 

1. A Better Way to be Bad 
2. At the Gala 
3. This Day Aria 

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Reply by :: trixie toxxic ::


i luv that 'this day aria' is on like every list xD

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Reply by porkupine XD


i dont think i have 3 favez, all i kno iz that True True Friend makez me cry like a BABY

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Reply by Toby Simons


Th15 D4y 4r14 15 th3 b35t!!!!!

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Reply by Starr


Smile, Under our spell, and shake your tail!

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Reply by Haley Homicide


1. This day Aria (basic answer ik but its good)

2. At the Gala
3. Im the friend you need (I think)

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Reply by w4t3rm3l0n


1. Flawless - it's such an underrated song!

2. Art of the dress - it brings back memories of watching season 1 as a kid, and it has a lot of foreshadowing. im pretty sure most of the foreshadowing was unintentional but whateverrr

3. Literally ANY song from magical mystery cure - they're all so good it's hard to pick!

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Reply by Kha0t1xL1nx


1: Open up your Eyes 

2: This Day Aria

3: A Kirin Tale

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Reply by Niko x3


My top mlp songs

1. Unleash the magic

2. Awesome as I wanna be

3. Battle of the banda

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Reply by Niko x3


My top mlp songs

1. Unleash the magic

2. Awesome as I wanna be

3. Battle of the banda

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Reply by trash


1. this day aria (i know everyone else says its the best BUT THATS CUZ IT IS!!!)

2. open up ur eyes 

3. the spectacle 

and like. ok if we're including fansongs.. lullaby for a princess on top ALWAYS!!!! 

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Reply by Xx.b3nj1_b0y.xX


1. Smile

2. Under our spell (equestria girls)

3. At the gala

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Reply by •Carla•


bienvenido al show

Batalla de las bandas 

Cuando un amigo es de verdad

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Reply by ~Kate~


1.The Spectacle

2. A true true friend

3.Lets have a battle

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1. this day aria

2. babs seed

3. winter wrap up

also love how we collectively agree that this day aria slaps

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