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Your top 3 favorite card/board games?

Posted by Bambi OpenSource


Forum: Board/Card Game Group

Name your favorite card or board games! 

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Reply by Bambi OpenSource




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Reply by Didrick


Trivial Pursuit

Alias (There was a predecessor to this game back in the 90's called Taboo, which was a lot of fun too)

Bonus favorites:


And I'm starting to warm up to Ticket To Ride (Europe edition), I felt it was too complicated and confusing at first but I'm getting the hang of it. I'm curious to try the other editions of ths game, such as the London and America ones, which are said to be a bit easier and takes a shorter time to play too.

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Reply by Bambi OpenSource


I played Taboo a few times, even made my girlfriend at the time and all our friends hand write - copy all the cards one night. I wanted a hand made replica of Taboo :) It was a fun activity.

Trominoes? Damn, I thought I invented that game. I mean, I named my game Trominoes. I wonder if the two games have any rules in common...

Here's a pic of my Trominoes
<a href="https://ibb.co/23zH19c"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/1GCjtgR/5911237930314216921-120.jpg" alt="5911237930314216921-120" border="0"></a>


Right now Im working on a prototype called Capitalypse :) 

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Reply by Bambi OpenSource


Trivia Pursuit I was very bad at. I haven't heard of most of the othes you mentioned. I'll make sure to look them up online, thanx for sharing :) 

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Reply by Baldur Shild


Oh boy, narrowing it down to three is hard.

  1. War of the Ring is probably my favorite two-player board game. There's so much theme packed into it and I really enjoy the mechanic of turn actions being determined by dice.
  2. Ticket to Ride is my favorite board game to bring out for a more casual group experience. It doesn't take to teach someone how to play it and they usually get pretty into it quickly.
  3. I can't not include the Yugioh TCG, given I've recently become hooked on this cardboard drug again.

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Reply by Bambi OpenSource


Woa, never even heard of the first two. Thank you for sharing! I'll definitely check them out, I'm intrigued :) 

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Reply by Miscellanity



  1. Backgammon
  2. Reversi
  3. Gin Rummy

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Reply by B-A-R-C-L-A-Y


-The Game of Pure Strategy (GOPS)
-Settlers of Catan

These are my favorite games ever in no particular order

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