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Hey all, heres a forum where you can introduce yourselves!

1. Name or Alias
2. What introduced you to Gyaru?
3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru? 
4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc)
5. Cheetah Prints or Florals?
6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc)

Anyways, Welcome to the group!!! 

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152 Replies

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Reply by jupi !!


1. ali :3
2. tumblr and having a hyperfix on harajuku fashion
3. its so fun and the history is super interesting
4. my fav used to be kogal (as was everyones LOL) but i love rokku, goshikku and hime!
5. both >_<
6. hopefully gyaru pics and inspo and friends!!

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Reply by MetalMyMelody


1. Amy

2. I was introduced to gyaru and most J-fashion online.
3. The community.
4. Rokku and Gothic
5. Cheetah Print
6. Mostly makeup tutorials and finding new friends.

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Reply by cece <3


1. cece :))
2. playing danganronpa,,,,, i’m a junko kinnie lol (but pinkii also introduced me to a lot more of it !!!)
3. how expressive & stylish it iz !! it’z so unapologetic i love it smmm
4. kogyaru (bc i’m in high school rn lmao), rokku, haady, onee/ane gyaru, & celeb gyaru !!
5. cheetah prints ☝🏽
6. friends ofc, tips on where to find gyaru pieces, music recommendations !!, a gyarusa maybe, etc !!!!!!!

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Reply by Lola Kitty


Hello 👋🏽💕

1. Name: Lola Kitty
2. What introduced you to Gyaru? J-Fashion research
3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru? How versatile and fun it is
4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc) I don’t practice manba personally but it’s my favorite 🌺
5. Cheetah Prints or Florals? Cheetah 🐆 
6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc) Friends my age lol 👵🏽

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Reply by vixen


1. ventus
2. i used to watch plenty of anime with characters that were gyaru but i never knew anything about it so i did deeper research on it! 
3. i really like the nail designs and the hairstyles 
4. kogal, kurogyaru 
5. cheetah prints!
6. where to find gyaru clothing and friends! 

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Reply by Robin


Robin :D

Akarins makeup video on kawaii pateen aha
the lifestyle/ mindset :0
Ora ora/ tsuyome
i hope to find people to talk to about yk gyaru stuff 

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Reply by Sugar_G0r3


1. Call me sugar or Nik!

2. I think I was looking for scene kid stuff and stumbled upon it
3. THE NAILS! AND HAIR!! ahh how gorgeous
4. I don't have a favorite
5. Cheetah Prints 
6. Friends!

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Reply by melogal


1. Melody!! or just melo for short !
2. I cant remember for the life of me how i found it (っ- ‸ - ς)
3. I love the expression and diversity gyaru has!! ans its super cute ofc
4. Every style is my fav!! 
5. Cheetah prints all the way!!
6. I hope to find fellow gals to be friends with and share tips!!

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Reply by poiz!! ☆


1. princess!! <3

2. the anime please tell me galko-chan was rlly the thing that made me intrested in the fashion!!
3. i rlly like how flashy and fun it is!!
4. kogal n himegyaru
5. cheetahh!!
6. i wanna find sum friends n get sum tips :>

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Reply by brookelyn ☆


  2.my friend told me about it in class 2 years        ago!
  3.the community and how confident it makes       me feel! 
  4. probably ganguro 

  5. floral print i think
  6. i hope to make friends and get makeup advice!

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1. Name or Alias: nana
2. What introduced you to Gyaru? a little bit of the trendy
3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru?  the history 
4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc) my favorites subfashion are himekaji and kogal
5. Cheetah Prints or Florals? florals!
6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc) lot of tips, friends 

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Reply by envy


1. Envy

2. I have always loved lolita fashion and learning about japanese fashion lead me to gyaru, I only found hime gyaru appealing, but more recently i've been attracted to other styles

3. Like in most j-fashion subcultures there's a punk like attitude, i think especially in gyaru it's so gaudy and super attention grabbing i love that. and anything with big hair is a plus for me

4. Hime, Kogal, Agejo and some himekaji 

5. Florals but tbh i think animal prints rule

6. Friends mostly! my irl friends have much darker fashion styles than i do (or are normies) and now that gyaru is making a comeback in the west i'd love to go on a fashion journey with y'all

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Reply by vee


vee !!

.since where i live gyaru doesn’t really exist I saw people on social media^^
.dressing up is literally so fun.
. my fave sub style has always been a mix of amekaji and rokku^^
.CHEETAH always !! my favourite print !! even my towles and hairbrush is cheetah, it’s just the best.
.just other gyarus in my age group, it’s hard to find any.

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Reply by Angie 💗


1. Angie 💗
2. fruits magazine
3. its girly and cool at the same time.
4. i love agejo and hime
5. Cheetah but depends on the day
6. friends who have the same style as me irls dont get me lolol

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Reply by Whisper♡


1.  Whisp/whisper!

2. Surfing the internet at 5 In the morning lol!
3.the color pop and glamour 
4. Himegyaru!!! Has my heart lol
5. Gahh maybe cheetah??
6. Friend's with similar interests like me 💞

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Reply by mikomiko.mp3


  • ┍━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┑
hello my name is milo :) 
idr but a show did and it really made me wanna try gyaru
being able to dress up, the vibes  :]
my fave type is kogal, goshikku and hime :D
cheetah prints if thats the go to pattern on a fit, but floral if its just a little bit of floral 
i hope to find some friends and tips about gyaru fashion <3

        ┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙

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Reply by salempina


2.tumblr and pinterest xD
3.its fun to do the makeup and most of the community is amazing:3
4.i love goshikku + agejo
5.cheetah prints all the wayy but i love florals!
6.friends and tips on how to style outfits>W<

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Reply by ☆ voidy poo!! ☆


1. void or dionysus :)
2. i was first introduced by scrolling through some kind of "alternative styles" wiki, then formally introduced by a friend!!
3. it honestly makes me wayy more in touch with my feminine side!! makes me feel more comfortable with myself
4. agejo and rokku for sure!!
5. oooo i would say cheetah
6. friends! ive been looking for more gal friends for a while to hmu whenever!

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Reply by def0rmed_fish



2-i think i so random gyaru pop on my fyp and i immediatly click with the style 
3-kogal and hime gyaru for sure 
4- both it just so cute 
5-it s really th only style in witch i feels myself 
6-i am here to make friend and also have some tips <33

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Reply by shay


1. shay!

2. i was introduced to gyaru years ago but only got into it in 2021 thanks to my ex-gyaru friend
3. i enjoy how gyaru is a lifestyle more than just a fashion and it fights against beauty standards while also not sticking to a specific style! also how gyaru is for everyone and you don't have to be japanese to be gyaru
4. agejo and tsuyome!
5. cheetah print for sure
6. friends and definitely fashion advice since i'm a little on the chubbier side so i have to make do with pieces i find (they turn out very well!)

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Reply by luan


1. luan !
2. i used to be into kawaii/Harajuku fashion, which introduced me 2 gyaru
3. doing my nails, making accessories, n dressing up!
4. himekaji, onee gyaru, kogyaru, n more :)
5. cheetah print.. buttt floral is super cute too
6. gyaru friends and some inspo!

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Reply by SLEEPYG0TH☆


1. Name or Alias 
Sleepy ☆⁺˖
2. What introduced you to Gyaru?
got into it after researching other jfashion subcultures in high school ! the fashion just pops omgg
3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru? 
i love how it helps gals express themselves free of judgement + not caring abt what other ppl think of u !
4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc)
aa there's sm i love but i identify closest with rokku / goshikku :]
5. Cheetah Prints or Florals?
cheetah print all the way ! bonus if its pink 
6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc)
fellow black gals tbh ! but just 2 interact with the community more seems alot of fun <3

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Reply by lara


1. Miiimi / Kazie
2. I saw it on pinterest once and it looked cool so I did my research and here I am now with and hyperfix
3. I love all the concept of breaking normative stereotypes 
4. Rokku gyaru / Amekaji gyaru
5. Florals for sure!!
6. Friends and make up tuts/recomendationsss !

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Reply by missi


1. Missi
2. I forgot sadly 
3. everything idk xD
4. Kogal
5. Cheetah Prints 4 sure
6. fashion tips for sure :D

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Reply by greg


1. Name or Alias
2. What introduced you to Gyaru?
mainly yt n stuff
3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru? 
i enjoy that gyaru has many different styles so theres always smth new 2 try!
4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc)
hmm rn i really like kogal and manba 
5. Cheetah Prints or Florals?
cheetah print defo
6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc)
i hope to find friends and more places to get gyaru clothing

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Reply by chai ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ 🐰


1. chai !

2. magazines, online, i have always been interested in this fashion.

3. being able to express myself in so many ways
 through the makeup & community! its such a pretty fashion and the history behind it is super cool! vv reblious >:3 i rlly luv that part!

4. ganguro, romanba, hime! 

5. Florals!

6. i rlly want to make some friends and mutuals! fashion & makeup tips as well :3

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Reply by Mari


1. Mari

2. seeing a lot of gals on tiktok
3. being rebellious
4. goshikku, kogal and agejo
5. cheetah print
6. I'm mostly here to make new friends :)

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Reply by Micha!!


1. Miko, or Persephone!

2. Mostly Magazines, and the internet, also going to the harajuku area a lot, ehe :]

3. The way ppl can express themselves in so many ways!!! 

4. Himekaji or Kogal!

5. can i say both?? otherwise probably floralsss

6. friends who like the same fashion as me! 

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Reply by Courtney<3



           1. Courtney or Coco
           2. A photo i found somewhere 
           3. The attitude and outfits
           4. Himekaji, Agejo, Rokku & Kogal
           5. BOTHH
           6. Friends, tips and outfit ideas
           7. Also just to add on i'm also into other styles like lolita and jirai kei<3

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Reply by 𝓫𝓪𝓫 <3


 1. ariana/bab :3

 2. pinterest, tumblr, tt
 3. style <33
 4. agejo <3333
 6. friends n tips 

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Reply by annie


1. annie!
2. tiktok introduced me to gyaru a few months ago. im not really gyaru right now but i love the style and am trying to get into it 
3. the fashion and bright vibes!
4. kogal and ganguro, especially the way it was in the 90s and early 00s
5. i gotta go with cheetah lol
6. some friends and fashion insight hehe

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Reply by Stardust_Valentine


1. I'm Alexa, but y'all can call me by my user name lol
2. I guess Pinterest n' YouTube, back in 2018-2019, and oh man i LOVE it!
3. The freedom that it represents for the gyarus, and, of course, the styte 
4. Agejo, kogal, manba and ane!~
5. Cheetah Prints tbh, but I like the florals too
6. Some fashion tips for a gaijin gyaru, and friends!

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Reply by dialuxury


1. yoi!

2. pinterest
3. how it was made to rebel against beauty standards!!
4. amekaji and manba 
5. definitely floral
6. fellow beginner gals and fashion tips!

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Reply by rin


before i introduce myself id like to say im a gyaruo actually!
1. erin
2. im really into jfashion and japanese pop culture as a whole so i knew some gyarus before hehe
3. looking charai lol
4. i like all types of gyarus :3
5. cheetah prints (but also florals are cute)
6. friends!! and look at everyones style

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Reply by kitt3n.kum


1. Irene(ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
2. when I was younger I used to watch a girl that posted gyaru stuff in yt
3. literally all, the clothes, the make up, the way of thinking (idk if u say it like that my english is bad) 
4. Kogal :b
5. Both ╥﹏╥ I can't choose 
6. More information about gyaru and maybe some tips ^^

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Reply by GyaruJack*


1. Jack!
2. I’m not too sure….I just remember seeing gyaru fashion a lot online and becoming obsessed!!
3. Makeup!
4. Agejo!!
5. Cheetah Prints<333
6. Friends!!

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Reply by charcoal


1. Char <3
2. egg magazine
3. makeup + anti colourism!!
4. kogal
5. florals!!
6. fashion inspo, friends!

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Reply by viktor ?!


1. viktor or gigarat!
2. found out abt it online, mainly pinterest
3. the makeup and absolutely adorable outfits
4. dunno much about gyaru fashion so i can't answer this :[
5. hmm cheetah prints
6. makeup tips and fashion tips !! and maybe some friends :]

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Reply by Tsumiko (Mikki) Masuwaka


1. Tsumiko or Mikki 

2. Well irdk like the internet

3. I really like the clothing, designs, subcultures, and just the diversity of the whole style

4. Gyaru Mama and Tsuyome

5. Cheeta prints 4 lifeee

6. Friends, fashion inspo, and just people who share the same interests as me :>

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Reply by björkenthusiast



Tumblr and Pinterest introduced me to gyaru

I really enjoy the  diverse clothing styles

rokku gyaru

was raised on cheetah print...so cheetah print

I hope to find fashion tips and maybe some friends

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Reply by ⌆_janedoesstuff


1. Matt or Viktor

2.pinterest lol

3.the hole rebelion against japans beauty standards


5.uhhh fur(animal prints)

6.friends nd ppl who wanna have gyaru meetups

**✿❀ ❀✿**

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Reply by Jxnnxlle


1. jennelle or nelle
2. I found it on pinterst and fell in love
3. the lifestyle/ clothes
4. kogal, himekaji, and agejo
5. both!
6. I need need need more gal friends (and places to get cute clothes)

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Reply by Koda


HII IM koda!
ever since I've watched anime I've known about gyaru fashion, I'm not a gyaru myself but I love its makeup style
Honestly, I'm only in this group because I want fashion tips

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Reply by prettycat


1. Somi!
2. I've always been into jfashion when i was younger so it was about time till I found out about gyaru
3. I love how you can pretty much be free and do whatever you want in the subculture!
4. Hime, agejo, and tsuyome
5. Cheetah Prints
6. I searched it up in groups lol

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Reply by h3lios_gr3y


1. helios

2. a yt vid of someone redoing the yandere sim bullies and they got really into gyaru

3. how loud it is

4. Tsuyome

5. Cheetah Prints!

6. friends, maybe even a gal circle in my area, and def fashion tip

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Reply by h3lios_gr3y


1. helios

2. a yt vid of someone redoing the yandere sim bullies and they got really into gyaru

3. how loud it is

4. Tsuyome

5. Cheetah Prints!

6. friends, maybe even a gal circle in my area, and def fashion tip

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Reply by shaunna★


1. shaunna

2. internet 

3. fashion & the mindset

4. old school, manba

5. zebra :P

6. inspo friends and tips ^.^

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Reply by akko..!



1. akko

2. idk i've always been exposed to jfashion

3. both the philosophy and the styles

4. i really like goth and ko but all styles are cute lol

5. cheetah

6. friends, community!

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Reply by ciara ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・


Hi My name is Noelle And I learned about gyaru fashim from youtube uears ago
I enjoy that itssss cute and cuteeee
I like hime and rokku Please dont call me basic ill shoot mysef

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Reply by lulu<3


1. Name or Alias: 

Luciel! I use Lulu online tho >_<

2. What introduced you to Gyaru?

In all honesty, anime did!!

3. What do you enjoy most about Gyaru? 

Probs have to give it to the general attitude people tend to have in it? It´s refreshing to see other people reminding the world that you can be loud/out there while still being nice ^^

4. Favorite sub fashion of Gyaru? (Himekaji, Agejo, etc)

I have no idea -- I´m still a ¨baby gal,¨ so i don´t know a ton..

5. Cheetah Prints or Florals?

I only have cheetah print, but if I had the choice then I´d try to wear more flowers :D

6. What do you hope to find in this group?(friends, fashion tips, etc)

All of the above! I love socialising, so shoot me ;P

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