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Past Lives

Have you taken the time to delve into your past lives? Do you use the wisdom of these old selves to improve your current life? If so, how?

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Reply by ⚸☥333VOiDGiRL


dont think ive had past lives, personally, but i havent really looked into my own self that far. itd be great to talk to somebody who has had them though, seems interesting although not really uncommon or anything

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Reply by Deathwitch1312


yes i have and i remember a lot sometimes i do use this to learn i like to learn why i do things the way i do because sometimes you can look back at it and there is a rezoning for something that you would never have guested also its just fun to learn about it 

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Reply by ⸸⛦Johan⛦⸸


 I have tons of stories about many of my past lives, They can teach you lessons and such and to be more careful in your current life.

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Reply by Starro


Back in 2014, i kept having the same dreams of somebody else's life for a week

 Everytime it happened and everytime i looked into the mirror i literally do not recognize the face. It's someone else's. Then the dream always ended with the person's parents getting burned at the stake. What does this mean?

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Reply by Luna_xP


okay so here’s what i believe,

everyone is born the same way, but what we don’t really know is how or why. I believe that we are born to feel every emotion/feeling possible. We are also reborn again and again for that reason, it’s cause our past lives were not exactly “nice” or yk the emotions, once you feel like you have known anything and everything about life, is the moment when the divine goddess lets you join her.

(this is what I believe in, I’m not trying to get anyone to change)

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