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Sleep Paralysis

Posted by Mr. タラデガ Claxton


Forum: Paranormal Stuff Group

To this day I'll say this was one of the most horrifying experiences of my life. Seriously. It's not too much more that I can see that can give feelings this disturbing. For some reason I kept going through sleep paralysis episodes for a few years between 2010 and 2012. Then it just suddenly stopped? Occasionally I'll go through it but nothing as intense as then. Many hallucinations both audio and visual too. Now when I have it there are no hallucinations at all. But just to kick it off I'll name a few:

First episode - I come home from college for the day. At this time I'm not working a full time job yet just a full time student at the university. So it's about 2pm, everyone is at work, and I'm tired from classes. I'm laying on my bed watching tv and my bedroom door is to the right. Somewhere along the way I started dozing off. I'm laying on my stomach, and out of the corner of my eye I see a person standing outside of my bedroom down the hall. At first I'm like 'hmmm maybe I'm trippin' then I see this black smoke dispersing around this person. I slowly turn my eyes to them. It's my first time so I don't know what I'm experiencing or why I can't move! The best way to describe what I saw was an all black girl. As if she was a heartless from kingdom hearts? Just completely black and shadowy from her hair, skin, clothes, and everything else. Just a 3D solid shadow basically. With yellow glowing eyes. I could make out the silhouette that it was a girl around 5 ft tall and wearing some type of poofy dress. The black smoke intensified and when it dissipated she did too. Then at the front of the house further down the hallway I heard a woman scream at the top of her lungs "LET ME IN!" then I just suddenly passed back out. When I woke up I was so shaken up and confused that I actually checked the door to see if someone was there. Then I realized that scream was so loud it had to have come from inside the house. I kept googling what could've happened and then I finally stumbled across "sleep paralysis." Hoping that would be my last time........... It was not :(

Significant episode - This took place in 2012. I'm laying in bed on my back this time. I look at the doorway and I see my friend dancing in my doorway. I start laughing in my head because the dancing looked stupid. Then I realized I couldn't move. THEN I remembered he moved back to his hometown 2 weeks ago, and it was 5-6 hours away. Then I realized no one was there except me. Then I realized there's no way in hell that could be him. Who the hell is this in my doorway everyone is at work? This was the first time I was able to control my eye movement fully. I closed my damn eyes because I was scared to see what would happen next. Later that night he called me out of the blue just to talk. I hadn't talked to him on the phone since he'd moved back so it was really interesting he picked this day to call. We talked for about 15 minutes and right when I was about to hang up I remembered the sleep paralysis. I said "Man before I get off the phone I have to tell you this crazy thing that happened to me this morning." I went on to describe the event telling him it was really dumb and I saw him dancing in my doorway and it freaked me out. Even though I know that sleep paralysis is hallucinations it was something about seeing him that just seemed too real. Like even if it wasn't him it had to be..... Something or someone? I could just feel that the person or entity was SOMETHING. The part that makes this significant is the conversation that followed:

Me: "Yeah man you were just in my doorway pop-locking. I knew that nothing good could follow that so I just desperately tried to close my eyes until I could haha"

Him: "That's crazy as hell. I was pop locking? What the fuck?"

Me: "I know! I look up and you're just in my doorway wearing your grey AE shirt, skinny jeans, and bracelet on your arm."

Him: "................... Are you serious?"

Me: "Yeah? Why'd you say it like that?"

Him: "......Man....... I'm actually wearing that same exact outfit... Like RIGHT now."

Me: "Are you messing with me right now?"

Him: "No. I'm being dead serious. I've been wearing this since like 5am I got up early to help my dad with moving some stuff. How the hell did you know I was wearing this?"

Although all of us joke or prank in our own ways I know he was telling the truth when he said he was wearing that. It's not his style to lie about something like that. When he paused I could also here the weird uneasiness in his voice. As if I had spied on him. He felt like his privacy was invaded when I nailed his outfit down to the accessories. It wasn't a fake reaction. And I was just as weirded out trying to figure out why the hell I saw him dancing in my room even though he was 600+ miles away. You just know your friends. Even how they lie, bullshit you, or joke around. So what the hell was it that I saw? Why did that hallucination feel so real vs. the others I experienced before that? Still to this day it made me wonder how much I of that was hallucination or was I able to see through some type of veil?

I have even more stories. From stories of entities and shadowy people asking to 'use my body' to being bullied by people I've never seen. Even had a case where I felt someone lay next to me in bed just to realize no one was there when I woke up. Because of this I've grown to hate dreams, and if I find myself in sleep paralysis I immediately close my eyes and wait it out. What's your case?

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Reply by Werx(716)


Damn. I've experienced it twice. Extremely scary. Thanks for sharing your experience. I just don't have anything that could extend the conversation. I dunno what the experience is. I will say that, when it happened, I was in a bad place in my head.

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Reply by Mr. タラデガ Claxton


I will say around that time I my grandma started deteriorating in health before she finally passed away. It was crazy. Like it happened so much, and even a few paranormal things happened in that timeframe as well, but after a while it all just sharply fell off, and everything stopped happening. So yeah that could be a link? Irregular sleep schedules, and what not tend to trigger it too. Just when certain things started connecting in real life that's when it got odd. 

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