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Posted by corentin


Forum: Games

This is the first minecraft topic on this forum!

How and when did you discovered minecraft?
What is your greatest experience on this game?
Single or multiplayer ?
Can you share a screenshot of something in minecraft you are proud of? (for example, here's a short video of a tiny shop I did on a vanilla multiplayer server).

edit 24/08/22 (dd/mm/yy): here's my house on another server!

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Reply by SanderK


I think i started with PE on a Sony Ericsson xperia play in 2011. Been playiing it on/off ever since. My greatest feeling with the game probably was the time i was building an Ewok style treehouse in a jungle around the time they were introduced. It was just a soothing experience.

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Reply by Lizzie


I first played pocket edition on my iPad around 2013 or 2014 before I got the computer version around 2015, and I've been playing MC on and off since then. I don't really know what I'm proudest of, but my current survival world is def a contender.

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Reply by Twilight Sparkle


i remember when there were only 5 save slots, food healed health,
and you could play it in a web browser! *shakes cane at PE players,
players who joined after release, etc etc*
jokes aside, it's amazing to see how many people got into it from pocket edition and such.

i mostly enjoy modpacks nowadays.

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Reply by Asbestosstar


We need a SpaceHey MC Server.

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Reply by Scarlett Bettie (Keisha Scott)


I actually swore I’d never play. But my daughter started playing a few years ago and I liked watching it so now I’m hooked! 

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Reply by lexxie.bee


i first played years ago on xbox then lost access to it. finally bought it again this year on pc c:

it's so much more fun with friends. my little group has been working on a survival world for a bit now

i made it my mission to breed an army of wolves cx

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Reply by lil hapa


I started playing back in Alpha (this probably would have been around 2010ish).  I still remember back when creative mode didn't exist andd we had to use mods like "Too Many Items" and other inventory editors lol.  Good times.

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Reply by ☆KandiKandi☆


So my friends and I have a multiplayer realm set up and it's a really fun time. We're all setting up different shops (my bakery has been in business for some time now! :3), and we all have a wide range of talents- farm, bakery, enchanter, (I forget what everyone else was doing, oops-).

I think that's my favourite memory with this game; the small economy that we have set up. I fear the day that the person who routinely breaks into our houses and sets us on fire rises to power, though <_<.

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Reply by Cassie S


I love it! Playing right now as we speak on pc

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Reply by Seeker


Still play it but now the launcher goes through curseforge instead of twitch so that's a bonus. It also let me keep all instances saved from twitch launcher so they did good shedding it off so i don't get spammed with twitch vids when looking for minecraft.

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Reply by Band-Aid (22)


How and when did you discovered minecraft?
I was 10 and found it on youtube
What is your greatest experience on this game?
Doing an 8 hour survival session with my friends overnight.
Single or multiplayer ?
Multiplayer, usually in an SMP or small group. 
Can you share a screenshot of something in minecraft you are proud of?  I don't have a screenshot but I was a moderator on a server called Outsidercraft for a few months and built a railroad bridge from my island home to the servers mainland (where most players were) and next time I came on a whole town had formed of other players building homes connected to the railroad. I unintentionally became a mayor of a town I didn't know existed lol.

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Reply by Seth_AP93


Discovered Minecraft in 2010 by searching “new games 2010” lol and came across it, played the beta in 2011 and didn’t like it. Fast forward to 2017 and tried playing it again after learning about all the updates.. been playing since!

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Reply by Seth_AP93


Discovered Minecraft in 2010 by searching “new games 2010” lol and came across it, played the beta in 2011 and didn’t like it. Fast forward to 2017 and tried playing it again after learning about all the updates.. been playing since!

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Reply by Charlie


i started playing when the pocket edition demo came out for ios!! i remember when the creative menu only had one page, simpler times

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Reply by Kinari


I discovered the game back in about 2011/2012, I use to play tons of illegal copies of the game until around 2015 when I finally was able to get my own legal copy.
One of the distinct experiences from minecraft was the first time I rage quit a world and deleted it lol, I fell through due to a glitch and lost everything including the house i just spent hours building and just had enough.

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Reply by Pprincess89


I Played it on my Xbox 360

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Reply by SebaCasual


I started playing minecraft on pe and i was so excited when i saw an enderman lol.

also i like both modes (single and multi)

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Reply by dolphinbrain


How could I do a live music performance on MineCraft, would that be possible to do somehow? Virtual concert esque 

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Reply by corentin


That already have been done on a french server several years ago :)

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Reply by Flea_Bug


We had gotten a copy of it for our son a few years ago.. it collected dust for awhile. 

I finally decided to try it out and I've put a ridiculous amount of hours into it since then. Building a few different solo cities from the ground up. I actually made an Among Us map recently.. but I'm limited on how the game build can actually be played because I'm on ps4. 
(Little video showing the basic map layout and some early ideas I had with it)

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Reply by Co0kie210


2015 was when i was first introduced to the game because my kids were obsessed. I didnt start playing myself until like 2017-2018. The first world i ever played on is now a Realm that we still update!! I just downloaded Java for the first time this year!!

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Reply by frnkiero


i first started playing mc when it came out on the xbox 360 a long time ago,

but now i play it on my laptop :3 its one of my fav games bc it helps me destress.
also i rly only like playing survival bc its more fun for me :3

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Reply by macintosh


i discovered the game somewhere in 2013-2014 and i started to play that game only in 2020.

my great experience on this game happened only on this year! i found some friends on discord and we all played together. it was really fun and it was my first time playing it tbh cus my parents didn’t let me to afford that game :/

i rather multiplayer cus ur having a really fun experience with some/a lot of people especially if they are ur friends and u can even meet new friends through this game.

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Reply by cierra 🍥


i remember going over to my friends house and we both played it for the first time (that was in 2012 or 2013). i still love playing it and i force my partner to play it with me :)

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Reply by dash


i got it on my tablet in [i think] 2011-2012 when it was still 'minecraft pocket edition lite'. it was £4, so i had to beg my parents for it :P
theres one experience i remember the most, it was when i was in an airport getting ready to fly to england. i found 12 diamonds, as ii was six at the time i was v excited lol :-)

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Reply by lemon


I think the first time I saw someone playing Minecraft it was my father playing on his xbox! It was fun looking, and he just handed little me the controller and let me explore. Until night, where I died repeatedly and didn't touch the game for YEARS. But now I'm obsessed. Lol

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Reply by Knox


I am addicted to this game.

I started playing around mid 2011, with Beta 1.7.3
My brother got me into the game, I remember the first thing I did was build a house out of gold blocks
The best memories I have with this game I'd say were in 2013-14, I met my first ex on a server I co-owned and I applied to build for an old Minecraft youtuber by the name of GameChap (I'll be surprised if anyone remembers them) And I built a lot of stuff for their server before closing.

And I havn't stopped building since, it's my absolute favourite thing to do.

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Reply by Evermoree


When I was a teen, I had a friend who liked to play Minecraft, but every time she played, it would be on creative with no terrain. She just like to build houses or things from her favorite shows. I didn't really know there was way more to it than just that. When the Minecraft first came out on the Nintendo switch, my boyfriend got it and played it all the time. He convinced me to start playing with him and I was hooked. He showed me that were was much more to Minecraft than what my friend had showed me (she never did any mining, farming, or dealt with mobs.) Now, I play more Minecraft than my boyfriend. Most people would probably say that defeating the wither or ender dragon would be one of their greatest experiences, but for me its building things. Like whenever I build a new contraption with red stone. Or just searching for new locations on my world to build new homes over and over again and make it look aesthetically pleasing. I usually play single player. I only play multi whenever my boyfriend comes over and he's in the mood to play. I don't have any friends that like to play.

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Reply by Nihilgorath


I probably first heard about it on the playground back in like 2011 or 2012 and then started watching YouTube videos about it. Greatest experience(s) is playing online with friends and building awesome bases together. Playing singleplayer or multiplayer in Minecraft has never really mattered to me. I just do whatever I feel like doing. 

I sadly don't have anything cool to show off right now :(

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Reply by Bobby


I started minecraft on xbox 360 and now I play it on Xbox one, pc, android, switch

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Reply by Raiden Brundin


I played the game in alpha with my dad but in 2013 I got my own account for my birthday and now at 20 I play almost every day

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Reply by Edge0fHeaven


I'm actually a mod on a public survival / vanilla(ish) server. 

I have been playing since 2013?
If anyone wants an invite just shoot me a message i would be happy to have you join us 

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Reply by aredtvlight


I firstly knew about minecraft back in 2014 I think. I only played the game since 2019 tho.

I mostly play single player and multiplayer with my sister. 
Been a great 7 years knowing the game

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Reply by corentin


I just finished the big part of the design of my storage room!

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Reply by Qwardel


My first version of minecraft was 1.8.3 in 2015. In first try I didn't knew how to walk because I was playing only flash games which was played by arrows lmao.
First I started to dig grass and stone under me until I fell into cave, there was lava and skeleton.
He shooted me and I died.
The End XD

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Reply by Swaggy


Around 2013 because I started watching Stampy

I enjoy playing multiplayer bedwars now and hardly play survival anymore <3 

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Reply by Master JCV


I started playing minecraft back in the Alpha days, I think I might still have some screenshots of my old worlds.

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Reply by Avia


I discovered Minecraft by a fried=nd telling me to try minecraft, it was in 2017. i was playing in bedrock/console edition.

My greatest experience in the game was to raise a dog, build houses and beat the Dragon.
i don't have pics sorry.

PS: je suis francais aussi.

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Reply by Faux Ponential


Oh boy, where do I start? I first discovered Minecraft from YouTube on one of the MC channels that's sadly gone now. Their name was "I Play Duh Games" and that was my first mc channel before I moved to other prominent OG MC YouTubers like SkydoesMinecraft (or SkydoesEverything nowadays). At the time, I never really had any experiences with Minecraft other than playing the lite version of MCPE when it was still on the App Store but back then, it didn't matter much to me because I get to play Minecraft even if its not the full version. I only got to play MC recently when I heard of Tlauncher so that's a plus but the downside is that I'm not able to connect to any official MC servers so I'm stuck with the pirated version lel. That's pretty much it

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Reply by Kasey


I started playing back in 2012 I think! I kinda stopped for a bit, but revisited it in 2017 and it's my favorite game now! I speedrun, but also do build sometimes(although there's definitely room for improvement XD) and I definitely enjoy playing with friends, although I'm also just as content doing it alone. Depends upon my mood or the activity.

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Reply by corentin


I finished my storage room!

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Reply by raccoon


yooo!!!!! that storage room looks gorgeous

I think I discovered minecraft because of that MAD show that aired for a while, the one that did parodies of everything n stuff.
I think my greatest experience was meeting my first online friend, and also just learning english because of it, I mainly learnt english because I watched lucky block videos and started to associate things with words!
I don't have many screenshots of things I'm proud of since I usually don't last long enough in survival worlds;; (´◡`;;)
but I do have some pretty pictures! (I can't go into f1 mode so I usually have to edit out the crosshair lmao)
they do be vibin tho
I don't know how to resize image;;

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Reply by Jynx


My peak minecraft days were 2014-2016, playing on hypixel with my friends

I really want to get back into minecraft but I cant seem to ever find anyone who plays on minecraft java, Its sad because I miss having friends 

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Reply by pen


i started playing it in around 2011-2012 with my dad. i was around 6 so neither  of us where any good and we never beat the ender dragon. after i got better i couldn’t bring my self to beat it without him so we made a new world so we can finally beat it. if i don’t fucking beat it soon i’m going to kill someone (probably my dad because he keeps wasting the ender pearls we need)

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Reply by Razy_unknown


i only got bedrock last december on my switch lol. and this summer i got java. I play alot with my brothers cause none of my irl friends play it

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Reply by Mar


started playing on my moms iPhone 4s back in 2012- I was (still am, actually) a huge fan of LDshadowlady, DanTDM, Stampy, and Amylee33. I didn't have a computer that could run Mc, so it was always really lovely to go over to my friends house and play Java Edition with him. I annoyed the shit outta him, and all I wanted to do was mess around on this random Lord of The Rings mod. Lol d: 

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Reply by Hankuken


i've discovered minecraft in 2012 (if i remember correctly) thanks to my friend xD, first time in a multiplayer server called (mmh) Buincraft or buildcraft, idn't remember the exact name now xD.. anyway i love it.. i still play it everyday

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Reply by quraishitroll


started on pe in 2012-13, got the pc edition in 2014

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Reply by Hylics


I remember I first found MC in 2011, just through word of mouth. I remember playing on a free multiplayer version on minecraft.net around that time, but I didn't buy the game until version 1.2.5 around a year or so later.
My greatest experience would probably have to be a build me and some people I know did last winter, pretty detailed and it had NPCs and stuff too, although by spring motivation was all but gone =( Though my  runner up would probably be my time speedrunning recently though, it's felt pretty rewarding getting better and better times :D
Here's some screenshots of the build though, it's not on a massive professional level but considering it was the effort from "Hey let's build a city" I think it turned out pretty good :)

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Reply by whirlybird


I discovered minecraft because my dad downloaded the early pocket edition on his phone and couldn't figure out how it worked! 
I ended up being addicted and I'm now apart of several smaller servers!
It's such a lovely community of imagination and friends :D

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