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where to find 70s-esque clothing?

I'm a big fan of retro fashion, esp 70s or 80s clothes. But I have a hard time finding stuff that suits my styles in department stores/at the mall sometimes. I know thrifting is a good route to look into but does anyone know any brands/online shops that sell good retro clothes? 

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Reply by charlie


you can start on thrift stores and reselling sites but those can get pricey or difficult to find the things you like. modcloth has good options, though i've heard that it too can get a bit pricey

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Reply by cc.bass


100% thrift stores, if you want to buy online it's going to be more expensive which isn't really worth tbh.

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Reply by cherry


it's pretty expensive but i loooove all about audrey!! their stuff is super well made and size inclusive <3

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