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Beautiful paintings!

Posted by Obren


Forum: Art and Photography

Post your favorite paintings, it can be classical artwork or modern art I don't care.

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Reply by Obren


Reply by Aidenz


Im not sure about the name of it but this I love the meloncholy of it


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Reply by Robot


I don't know what the difference is.

If it is art then you can't make it into a piece of art and that is not art, and that doesn't mean it's not art, and it's not art that you're doing right.

The art you're doing right is the way it's done.

If you want to be a good artist and make something that people are happy about you have to be a good painter.

You don't have to be a bad artist. You don't have to make art that makes you happy or that is not good.

The only art that you should be doing is art.

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Reply by Reagan Ridley


Reply by Essliashah


every painting is beautiful but it can increase painting value by using best high quality paint to enhance the beauty of painting.

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Reply by Ivory Rose
