What are your favorite things about Neocities?
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favorite thing about neocities?
9 Replies
Reply by Catalystl
I like how they don't put ads on your site or sell your personal data, and how it's relatively easy to get views on the platform. Browsing other peoples' sites is fun too, there's a lot of creative and interesting people on Neocities.
Reply by frogteeth64
yeah i totally agree. when i first checked out the site i was surprised that there weren't any ads, and it was free. Also I'm pretty sure there aren't cookies either
Reply by messica
The community. As someone else mentioned, there are so many cool and creative people on there that can introduce you to so much cool stuff. I actually discovered spacehey on a neocities page haha.
Reply by frogteeth64
Reply by Rebecca Jeane
I love that it's simple to use and it made me learn html and css. I love looking at everyone else's cool websites. It feels like the real internet again with real people and real creativity.
Reply by Digital Cheese
It's free hosting without ads or selling every single bit of info about you to people. It's very nice. And for $5 more, you can get even better stuff.
Reply by isaac neptune
I like that it encourages people to put effort into their content. It's got less of the weird one-sided dynamics that come with traditional social media - feels more like an actual community.
Reply by David V. Kimball
I love a lot about it, especially how you can easily discover other users on the platform and their sites. It's also got a very generous free options.
Reply by Lucas Michael
I like how simple and easy the domain is to remember. Unlike other websites like wix and google sites.