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PC Gaming Equipment!

What brand of gaming gear/equipment do you use? Do you use Razer, HyperX, ASTRO, Alienware, Corsair, or do you use something entirely different? What brand(s) would you recommend for other PC gamers to use and why? I recommend Glorious PC Gaming Race for mouse, mechanical keyboard, and mouse pad. This company is VERY affordable and they make quality products for less than some of the top name brands. The only downside is they don't offer many products such as headsets but they are slowly expanding their store. 10/10 would recommend this company if you're shopping on a budget. Hope this helps anyone looking for some gear! :D

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Reply by andrew covell


i use a cheap yet high end (despite being dual core) laptop for a 2016 hp laptop i believe my graphics card is intel my current mouse is a cheap apple mouse that used to be my back up till my landmice mouse bit the dust (they make mouses shaped like classic sports cars) my webcam is lifecam and thats about all the stats that come to mind off the top of my head that i'm currently using heres the stats i would love to have https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=25390

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Reply by λF41ry⦻🍉


half broken pc i found in a crackden ヽ(͡✿◕ ͜ʖ ͡◕)ノ(✿ ♡‿♡)

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