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some lemon demon and neil cic files and such!!

im gonna list a few sites here where you can get some files 8)





wwwuagh add more in comments if you have any!

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Reply by Catalystl


Yay the group isn't dead

All of the Trapezoid/Deporitaz albums + some misc songs

Some of Neil's old sites & their redesigns on archive.org:

Trapezoid's Website (either 1999 or 2000)

EvilTrailMix.com (2002-2007)

EvilTrailMix.com (2007-2009) (uses flash)

LemonDemon.com (2004-2008) (uses flash)

LemonDemon.com (2008 - idk) (uses flash)

If you want to emulate flash, you can get a browser extension for it here: https://ruffle.rs/#downloads

Also, the old archived LD site has a bug where if you click on any links in the nav bar, you'll be sent to lemondemon.com instead of the archived page.

If you want to keep exploring the archive, you have to copy the text after "lemondemon.com" in the new page, and paste it at the end of the archive url like this:

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Reply by Soapstone


also worth noting i think is the old ld wiki:

its a shame it doesnt exist anymore as it was very detailed, but a very large amount of it has been archived (i think ive only run into unarchived pages for chords for more obscure songs and the forums)

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Reply by hubert breast


This one isn't an official link but here's a pretty big archive of some of Neil's music ^^ <br/>


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Reply by hubert breast


returning to this thread to post another link i found

this page contains a lot of cool stuff, definitely fun to check out! :D

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Reply by Animatoooooooooi


This is his page on albinoblacksheep it has some of his songsĀ 


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