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How many piercings do you have?

Currently I have 14 but I’m always considering more.

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Reply by Mal_hell


Had 11 but I’m down to 5

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Reply by Tavian Thay


I've had 22 unique piercings.Β 

The most I've had at one time was 14. I'm at 5 right now.
My girlfriend (and future wife) isn't a fan of facial piercings so that won't be changing too much. I blame my ADHD for the rapid change in piercing numbers.Β 

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Reply by M U D D A F R I G G A ™


currently i have 20! i had 22 at one point but took 2 of them out. my favorites are my septum and bridge!Β 

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Reply by Olive Oyl


9 and wanting moreee

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Reply by Jennifer Donathen


I have my belly button (it got fucked up during pregnancy so its not able to have a ring in there anymore) ears (3 on one side and 2 on the other) and 1 nipple

I have had my nose, my other nipple, industrial and cartilageΒ 

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Reply by Hellz


I currently have nine piercings.

But at my most I had around 30.
I dread to think how many times I've been pierced in total though. I was a bugger for lwtti g piercings heal then deciding a year later I wanted it pierced again

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Reply by Aster


I've had my bridg3 don3 th33 tim3s//

First tim3 r3ject3d was too short barΒ 
S3cond tim3 ball f3ll off whil3 fuck1ng about
Third tim3 had to tak3 it out for food job

Both my 3ar lob3s are now heal3d aft3r p3ircing gun fuck3d th3m up.

Nav3l p3ircibg had for almost a y3ar it n3v3r h3al3d.

So in totalΒ 0... X,,D

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Reply by StuntGirl


Six and wanting way more!

One ofΒ  my helix's ball broke off last night tho... No idea how that even happens

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19, I believe! I love piercings, I think they’re gorgeous!

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Used to have 12. Down to 10 now (nips just never healed right) planning on 2 more to make up for itΒ 

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Reply by Chottis


Only 7 currently, aiming to get atleast 2 more for my face and plenty for my ears. Just need to save up for it ^^

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Reply by Cassideay


I use to have 5 but went down to 3 hopefully I can get more just not sure which ones to get.

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Reply by Monster Cherry


Only 7 atm

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Reply by Ence Quartz


I have 7. I OlΓ‘n on getting more this weekendΒ 

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Reply by Hannah White


I have 15 as of today! I will probably stop at around 20ish. The placements aren't too gaudy, I curated it minimalistic but personal to my style

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Reply by ʟᴏᴏɴʏ. β˜‚


Currently, I have 3. My septum and both lobes. In total, I've had 10 over my lifetime.

  • Left lobe.
  • Right lobe.
  • Septum.
  • 2 nostril piercings.
  • Medusa.
  • Vertical Labret.
  • Spider Bites.
  • Labret.
Nearly all were removed ultimately due to rejection and issues with the jewelry used. Luckily, after extensive research to understand what the issue was; I figured most of it out. And, if things go as planned I'm going to get my Medusa and Labret redone this year. πŸ‘

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Reply by β˜†~Chip~β˜†


Double earlobes and my nostril.

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Reply by tori


I only have one and I did it myself 3 days ago with a thumbtack :333

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Reply by Tayla Gaffney Blake


I've only got 2. One in each ear

I want to start stretching my ears (not overly big), but I'm not sure where to start

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Reply by PetiteObama


I have 3 but i want more. I'm just too awkward to go alone so I haven't gotten any new ones in years

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Reply by Trama Doll


2 Nostrils
Both ears stretchedΒ 

= 4Β 

But i have 2 helix's that I can't wear because they cause me sooo much pain god damn it :(Β 

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Reply by Jess


I'm up to 12, hopefully getting my wrists done soon! ^_^

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Reply by xxstarxx


I have 8, I'm looking into getting more on my ears and cheek piercings again. ;3

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Reply by Psychedelic


only one lol(nose ring). planning to get multiple ear piercings though and maybe snakebites in the future.

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Reply by R00by!


I used to have 5, but now I just have my right ear :(

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Reply by z


5 but i feel like a n00b since two of them are kind of abandoned

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Reply by Hispanic At The Discord


I have 7 right now, and I'm not really sure what else I would get pierced, but def open to the idea of more.Β 

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Reply by inactive


Only 2, but I really want to add more soon!

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Reply by fendi


Reply by Nika ΚšβœŸβƒ›Ιž


I've got 6 at this moment but I still want a couple. I'm probably gonna get to around 15-ish (but those are mostly ear piercings I'm planning, my face is pretty much done, only considering a medusa^^")

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Reply by xoxspacekittenxox


so i pierced myself for all of my piercings except my nipples bc i was too scared lol! other than that, let's see: my septum, nostril, bellybutton, i have my ears pierced and a plug in my left ear and had my bridge pierced but removed it

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Reply by xoxspacekittenxox


so i pierced myself for all of my piercings except my nipples bc i was too scared lol! other than that, let's see: my septum, nostril, bellybutton, i have my ears pierced and a plug in my left ear and had my bridge pierced but removed it

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Reply by necromancer


Just my lobes. I think piercings look EXTREMELY cool but I've realised I cannot be bothered to make and maintain holes in my body for the sake of looks anymore. I was extremely close to getting a tongue piercing until I found out they're likely to cause dental/oral complications, though. I really wanted one for a few years, but not that much.

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Reply by Edgelord


Four: stretched ears (00g), septum, labret and nose bridge.

Considering nipps next or my collarbones next.

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Reply by Hayley


2g plugs in both ears ,2nd earring holes in both ears, spider bites, & my nose piercingΒ 

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Reply by Poison


6 but planning to get 3 more. 2 of those would be a redo

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Reply by StoneColdFfoxx


Currently I have 17 piercings, I am almost done though. Tons on my ears, 3 nose piercings, 1 belly, 1 nip. I want 4 more lol and then it's really time to move on to getting more tattoos forreal lol

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Reply by Fatumaleeleele


Just 2 rn both ears might get a few more in the future

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3. i had to take my vertical labret out for a job that i ended up quitting anywayΒ 

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25 right now, used to have 33.

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Reply by Ash 🏳️‍🌈


Only 1 at the moment (septum).

The guy messed up and did it crooked though so I gotta get it redone soon. Β 
He did my twins perfect though so I'm not sure if I'm going back to him or not yetΒ 

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Reply by CROWN


Reply by StephieMeade


Sitting at 6. Had more but I let them go.

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Reply by Ashli Vixen


I have 4 piercings in my left ear and 2 in my right ear..I also had a daith piercing in my right ear as well, but I had to remove it because I was having surgery...I want my nose pierced eventually and another daith piercing...

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Reply by ivan05


Reply by ǝılɐʇɐu


26 total, down to 10.

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Reply by xxstarxx


11 C;Β 

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Reply by xxstarxx


11 C;Β 

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Reply by Wisp


Β i have three nose piercings stud on the right ring on the left and a septum and a belly piercing. i want a smiley and maybe more in the future.Β 

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Reply by Kelsey <3


I got 10 :)

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