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Quake Champions

Do you dig it?
Have you gotten good?
I never quite adapted, still way better at Live. Early on it was outright impossible, cause of latency issues.
Still, I did max out Strogg's unlocks, and had some fun doing it.

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Reply by bonkmaykr


I prefer Live and 3: Arena for their mod support and better performance, among other reasons.

Champions is okay but the new anticheat update broke Linux support and I think I'm going to stick with Live for most of my playtime.

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Reply by Alveus Nosville


Fallen out of the loop a while back, but last time I played it was a lot of fun, though it was among people I know personaly. As for linux support, things are improving across the board in that department thanks to Steam Deck butof all games I expect the improved implementations making it to QC the least.

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