As the title says really, who is your favourite Doctor?
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Favourite Doctor!
33 Replies
Reply by Shadow Bliss
The Second Doctor.
I'll start by saying I think that incarnation was extremely influential on how other actors would approach the part. To start with - I feel like while Hartnell's Doctor has his moments, Troughton was the first truly eccentric and funny Doctor. That was the Doctor that first had a moderating influence of humanity (Hartnell was "humanlike" but that didn't stop him abandoning companions if he felt like it).
I also feel the need to point out if he didn't succeed in the part, the show would not be what it is today. It was a huge gamble to be like "we're getting rid of the lead actor, now this actor is going to play the same character, just with a different personality and demeanor, alright?" He didn't succeed, no Tom Baker, no David Tennant, no anyone aside from him and Hartnell (probably) and he made it work.
Reply by Rhiannon Davies
Reply by Kit-Kat
The 10th Doctor. David Tennant did such an amazing job as The Doctor and he has the best Companions, especially Donna. Tennant has such good range in his acting and i love how easily he can go from the serious episodes to the lighter ones.
Reply by toopeebaba
12th doctor :)
originally my favourite as a kid was 11, and then 9, but when i went back and rewatched all of DW last year i came to really love 12 so much, i really feel like hes the quintessential doctor :)
Reply by Celery505
my favourites are the fifth and the second doctors. the second was incredibly influential to the role and i quite like peter davison as the fifth doctor.
Reply by MikeyX58
It's either the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) or the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy).
Troughton was always a lot of fun in his role, and I think Jamie was one of the best companions of the show.
While it's true some of McCoy's stories were weak, even ones that didn't work amazingly well, such as Paradise Towers, had a lot of charm to them. More so, Ace was a stellar companion, and the fact the Doctor went down a darker route was sort of fun to watch.
Reply by xX_r4y_d3c4y_Xx
ninth and tenth! the first doctors i ever watched, nine is way underrated honestly, i understand since he was only on for one season but he was such a good one and his chemistry with rose and mickey and jack was so much better than any characters afterward imo
Reply by clare
not sure...i rly love 9 and 10's eras but i also rly love a lot of 12, especially s10. my favorite seasons are s10 and s3 though
Reply by mia
11th Doctor/Matt Smith
its a close call between 10,11 and 12 but I love Matt Smith
he brings the most humour to the show and I like how he can be serious and funny at the same time. that's the main problem I had with 9th is that he seemed really jokey and had no super cool moments like the others.
however, peter capaldi and David Tenant still have my favourite episodes: robot of Sherwood forest, girl in the Fireplace, and voyage of the damned.
but overall Matt is fave <3
Reply by arwen
david tennant/10th doctor
he's just the best doctor and no one else can change my mind.
Reply by Edric
Id say its a tie between 9 and 10. I really wish 9 had more than one season! I loved him as a doctor.
Reply by flozza
definetaly the 12th. he was the first one i ever watched live, and hes scottish so im biased xoxo
Reply by marceline
peter capaldi was the best hands down, the way the monologues are written and the specific arc he went through was just amazing. you can’t tell me heaven sent isn’t the best episode ever made ever
Reply by ash
tough, but id probably say 10 or 12. 10 is funny, witty and a little bit erratic, whereas 12 is all that but still stern and super caring :3 both r amazing!!
i also love 8, he deserved sm more screentime :(( he was super silly, n the first doctor i ever saw!:)
Reply by Rachel
Has to be the Tenth Doctor for me, I just love the storylines for his seasons and he had my favourite companions, he's become a comfort charater for me, Eleven is a close second, I just love the feel of those doctors
Reply by Harvey
Reply by Wissir2
Reply by RavensForestStudios
Reply by Charlie
Reply by Igor / Pippin
Reply by Keith
this is a tough question! i think I'm pretty basic when i say my favorites are either 4 or 10. backgrounds for the actors vs other doctors.. 4 and 10 have basically had the best runs overall in my opinion. 10 was my first favorite because I watched the modern doctor who before the classic. I don't think I can really say that i have a full opinion on every doctor because Pluto TV sucks and only shows so much. but aesthetically and character wise i can say that i love it when doctors are just plain ridiculous. I hate it when people make the doctors overly serious AND when they're overly silly. ten (and others after) are good examples of keeping a balance between being sad and having drama vs just having plain old fun.
Reply by Ella !!
My fav Doctor is definitly 9 !! Ik its kinda random but his whole season is amazing and Christopher Eccelson does a brillant job at bringing back Doctor Who for 2005 !!
Reply by Jayden
Gonna be a basic ass answer but, the 10th doctor.
I believe he brought a nice vibe to the show and brought a lot of new viewers to the show, and due to him being in Good Omens, more people are watching Doctor Who.
Reply by gratigo
My favourite Doctor, despite not having actually seen any of his episodes in full, has got to be Tom Baker's fourth doctor! He's so fun and iconic with his scarf and the jelly babies and UGH HES JUST SO COOL
If we're only counting doctors we've actually watched, then i would have to choose eleven. He's so fun and full of wimsy lol :)
Reply by DeadinsideWhovian
gonna be honest, 6. hes my favorite funky guy!
his colorful outfits and silly personality made him my favorite by far! even if he can be quite rude and egotistical, he still remains my favorite.
Reply by Lee
I LOVE ALL OF THEM but i feel my absolutely favourite would either be the third or ninth :D
but i might just love the third doctor because i am currently watching his epsodes lol
Reply by DrPepper Fan (Donnie)
Reply by Eden
The ninth doctor.
I honestly can’t say why he is since Tennant is the doctor I grew up on. But Christopher’s charisma and charm that he brings to the character is amazing. He’s also more sarcastic than the others (aside from capaldi.) I do also really love ninerose, their dynamic is more fun than tenrose in my opinion. Ten rose is more dramatic and sad than ninerose.
Reply by Saturn
Reply by just_a_nerd
Reply by peanutrolls
Reply by sophia
For me it has always been 11.
As much as I love the others, I was very young when I watched it (around 6 or 7, before Jodie.). Looking back now David and Peter were amazing, but Matt brought a childish spark to the Doctor that I hadn't really seen in adults or Doctor Who. I was drawn to him, and his family relationship with Amy and Rory, and I loved to believe that I could be like that when I grew up.
Reply by Ann!E
(please ignore any bed spelling)
i love david tennant as the doctor so much the way he was light and funny when he needed to be but also still angry which meant the transition from the ninth doctor to the tenth was like yes they where different doctors but it was still the same deeply troubled doctor after the time war and he has some amazing episodes, bink? waters on mars? the girl in the fire place? silence in the library? stolen earth? and the list goes on he was amazing but that doesnt mean i dont love the other doctors i thought matts smith series with the demons run story line was amazing it was so gripping and dont get me started on Bad wolf but over all if i had to choose a doctor who was my favourite it would would have to go to the tenth he was so like able but still clearly troubled from the time war and im glad that the writers included about the rage of a time lord because imagine being immortal everyone you love dieing saving the whole universe yet no one to save him from himself so he keeps running and running until theres no where to run and at the end of the day he does have alot of trauma which is why i like how the 14th doctor was able to settle down and maybe start to work threw that trauma he has developped over the years.b