"make my pfp wiggle around"
I'm just going to give you the code as it's not that hard to read and learn from, but if you do want to modify so that it rotates faster just change the "1.0s" to a shorter amount of time (0.5s, 0.3s, etc.). If you want it to wiggle more extremely then change the degrees of the wiggle from 3deg to 5deg or 7deg. More than that is just way overkill. Anyway, add this anywhere between your style tags in your about me and you'll be good to go:
animation: wiggle 1.0s infinite;
@keyframes wiggle {
0% { transform: rotate(3deg); }
50% {transform: rotate(-3deg);}
100% {transform: rotate(3deg); }
"add youtube playlists to my profile"
Find the playlist you'd like to add, hit Share, then hit Embed (first option on the left), then copy and paste the embed code it gives you to wherever you'd like the playlist to be on your page.
"how to change the cursor for your profile (i will only use this for the good i promise lmaoo)"
In your style tag you already have a body selector. Find that then add this property:
cursor: url("https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/9632/happy.png"), auto;
That will turn your cursor on your whole page to a happy emoji. If you'd like to change it to something else, well that's kind of on you to find using some good ol' google-fu. But, that should get it taken care of!