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the stone tape theory/place memory

how does everyone here feel about the stonetape theory? it proposes that certain supernatural apparitions aren't actually depicting present entities with conscious intent, but rather the building itself replaying a heavily charged event stored within its walls through something called "place memory". personally i think it makes a lot of sense, because while i don't doubt those who claim to see the same apparition at the same spot (think haunted cruise ships, hotels), their experiences were never consistent with my own encounters that felt very intentional and very conscious. i think theres a lot going into it all and its worth checking out :) 

i heard of this phenomena through the blog titled theghostinmymachine, the author posts a bunch of creepypasta rituals alongside some anecdotal paranormal experiences and i think a lot of you should check it out!

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Reply by Kit Red


I definitely believe this to be true for most cases 

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Reply by thumper


Ever noticed how an old car or house picks up a certain scent and vibe? Most of it is just physical, but I think there's a spiritual component too. Why wouldn't that spiritual component sometimes take a more well defined form that can make appearances? Look into poltergeists too. Similar concept I think.

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Reply by DudeSabs


I go back and forth on the stone tape theory. Currently, I definitely think it's possible. I understand energy as vibrations. It would make sense to me that during a highly emotional and energized scenario that an imprint is made into the stable energy of the materials around them which gives it the ability to replay them over time. In my head it is similar to the way old film was developed. 

However, I am no physicist and can never be sure of anything.

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