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Weird websites

Posted by Positron832


Forum: Internet Mysteries Group

I'll go first. mortis.cc. Some might remember it as mortis.com but I'm not sure if this one is real or a fake.

Now it's your turn to share weird sites! Feel free to share what you know about them too =)

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Reply by gnoB


How do you sign up for the website? It only shows me a login page

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Reply by Positron832


No one knows and that's the reason it became popular. Apparently it's super hard to hack in too. You can find more info just by searching mortis .com on the internet.

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Reply by gnoB


Is it confirmed whether this new site even goes anywhere

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Reply by Positron832


I don't think so but many speculate that it stores pirated movies. The website is actually pretty old--from the 90's I believe.

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Reply by gnoB


Cool find nonetheless, where do you find these things

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Reply by Positron832


I found out about mortis.com on YouTube.

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Reply by R0gU3_K3y5


So I found these guys when I joined Lainchan before the big split.


also there are a LOT of really strange sites on NeoCities. It's a lot of fun to just look around at some of them. Most are people kinda trying to make them weird or an ARG. So not all of them really have a cool story behind them. But fun to browse through them still.

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Reply by Positron832


Cool website. I like how they tried to make it interactive by adding music and animation.

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Reply by Jon


superbad.com is cool to poke around on for a bit.

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Reply by Monster Zero


Reply by Positron832


Oh my God that was really disturbing (I clicked away as soon as I saw the first tape)... but thanks for your contribution!

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Reply by Nick


OMG! Story time. Back around 2011-2013 (somewhere around there lol) I had a tech blog I was working on as a backburner project. It was my baby, but at the time I could barely pay to host the website, let alone salaries for multiple writers. So I took to craigslist and a bunch of other forums and communities to look for people who wanted to be a part of the brand I was building. I told them I couldn't pay them until ad revenue took off but I gave them admin accounts so the two guys who stuck around pretty much had full control over the blog. A couple months in, I started noticing a llllot of traffic from this super weird private website called the End of the Internet.

I started thinking I messed up by giving a couple of strangers so much control over my baby but nothing bad ever happened and I'm actually really thankful both guys helped me out so much with it back then. 

BUT, I was panicking for a minute there. So I asked one of them if they knew anything about it and they said, "Yeah. It's just a forum we post on," and then got kind of offended and were really weird and secretive about it. I did some Googling and all I could ever find out about it is that it's an exclusive forum that's invite only. I think someone said it's similar to reddit w/ link sharing and all that. 

It just felt really weird and I'm still kinda creeped out about it to this day lol it's still up and running with the multi-language landing page and the only other thing on there is a field to login w/ email and password. the link is https://endoftheinter.net 

This post just kinda reminded me of that lol. Anyone ever heard about it?

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Reply by Positron832


Interesting story nick... Sounds like that site is some kind of hacker forum maybe? Looking up the site on whois shows that the domain has existed since 2008 and was bought by someone in Paris.. The  landing page looks like it hasn't been updated in a long while too.

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Reply by _.SleepingWillow._


I read a little into the mortis site, the original was created by Tom Ling then put offline when the FBI got involved and somebody else (unknown) has made a copycat (that specific time)
Mortis is Esperanto/Latin for "death," I wonder if maybe it is a site created for the spirits to communicate with each other from afar and that is why it is so hard for us to hack into 
However, the fact that the original site was taken offline and was erased from all archives confuses me, this site was erased by either the FBI or Tom Ling
Another interesting thing is that the original site and many other strange sites have all been connected to one person, name of Tom Ling ( cthulu.net , karenling.com , joshualing.org , lingsborough.com , eternalknight.com , dentalfillins.ne ) which I have not checked out, and I'm unsure if they are still up
The accounts and places connected to the site all lead to empty lots and warehouses, which adds more to the possibility that this may all be spirits
There are (probably) plenty of other theories but that's mine

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Reply by farewell


The website

So here's a bare yet strange website I found: https://deathnet.net/

I first found it when I was looking up information for DeathNet Studios, the label that the Nightcore album Dreamworld was released under, but the two seem to be unrelated.

At first I thought it was just a bitter message, death is inevitable, but then when I came back to it today I unearthed a whole history.

The gif at the centre of the website only has the one frame. Translating the binary to English gives us "everything that has a jeginning, has an e�d" which is either an error on my part or the creator. TinEye says that it was first detected in December of 2019, but eventually I found it goes back to 2011, and the domain goes back further than that. I've conveniently organized the information for you, reader.

Origins and 2nd era - the forums

Putting it into the Wayback Machine gave me a snapshot as early as 2002 and I found that it used to be a gaming forum. In order to keep this post short I'll just give you some fast facts here;

  • The forum had four admins, Astro-Boy and Gopher (since at least 2002), and Hetzer, and LordWarsprite (since at least August 2003)
  • The about page said that they were a monthly LAN gaming group associated with the Sylvanian Heights Youth Club in NSW, Australia.
  • The earliest snapshot from June 30th, 2002, has a single post from Astro-Boy about how this is their new website with a fancy new domain name, and that hopefully this is the last time their address will change (hence why I'm calling this the 2nd transformation)
  • In addition to their event calendar, the site hosted opinion polls for different gaming related things and the latest patches.
  • There's a page in the top navbar about an annual event called the Mother Of All Battlegames (MOAB), which says that deathNET has been in attendance since 1996. This is the oldest record I've found of their existence so far.
The latest snapshot of the 2nd transformation is April 1st, 2005, and the top post on the home page made by Astro-Boy on March 4th, 2005 reads as follows;

"As of Thursday, March 3rd, deathNET is no longer a registered event of the Sylvania Heights Youth Club. This was a voluntary decision made by the core group of deathNET organisers, as numbers and interest have been on the decline for some months now.

Essentially, what this means is that we will no longer be holding our regular monthly events. However we do plan to instead hold some semi-regular (perhaps quarterly), large scale (100+) events.

We realise that, with broadband so common place among gamers now, LAN events need to provide something more than just high speed gaming, and we are looking at some new ways to draw some interest back into deathNET and the LANning scene.

Plans are still being formed. Any ideas or feedback you may wish to contribute to us is most welcome."

And that's the last of the 2nd transformation before the site changes once again, but before going onto that there's another forum post that can be seen on the homepage on the April 1st 2005 snapshot by Astro-Boy titled "November Cancelled"

"The inevitable has happened. Don't tell me you didn't see it coming.

Apologies for the late notice. I've emailed those who've registered to let them know."

According to a comment by Gopher, the Sylvanian Heights Youth Club called Astro-Boy to let him know that the club hall had been double booked and that they could only have it until midday (I have no reference for what time their events ran to except for "through lunch")

3rd era - the news site homepage

The next snapshot is from the 12th of December, 2005, and deathnet.net looks completely different. The forum is gone, replaced with four boxes with links to articles from different news sites. The boxes come together to form the Windows logo, with red being game news, blue being real world, green being Australian broadband, and yellow being technology. Apart from some fine text, there's nothing else on the black background.

The "help" link in the fine text leads to similar coloured boxes with a list of the news feeds, a new about, and a get help section. The about says "The site was put together out of the desire for a new start page, customisable by any one at any time." and it appears you could add news feeds that would only be shown to you.

Get help includes an email link to an email that doesn't match that of any of the 2nd transformation admins except that it's an @deathnet.net address (making it the third of its kind I found). Another similarity is that the email address is offered "if you feel you absolutely must talk to a real person" just like how the deathNET forum admins had theirs listed even though "it's more efficient to contact us on the forums".

This is how deathnet.net looked until at least December of 2010.

4th era - "inevitability" and thoughts

The next snapshot on the Web Archive, October 18th, 2011, shows us the deathnet.net linked above, with the single framed gif that has "inevitability" at the centre of binary code.

So, what's the deal?

So I put deathnet.net into whois.com which lead me to tucowsdomains.com, which gave me some information. Now I'm no IT geek, but if a domain thats sold doesn't keep its original creation date, then deathnet.net is indeed still owned by the person who bought it in late June of 2002 in NSW, Australia.

Now the mystery here is why keep the domain up with a bitter message?

My strongest argument is that it's Astro-Boy. Hear me out, because I'm not just saying it's him because he made a post that it was inevitable their meetup would be cancelled. He made 4 of the 5 posts shown on the homepage shown in the April 1st, 2005. These were the call for November 2004 registrations, announcing the November date was cancelled, December 2004 announcement (which in the comments he declares it cancelled for lack of interest), and finally the announcement of separating from their local youth club and hoping for larger, more infrequent events. I think he was really trying to keep deathnet alive with what little encouragement he had.

With all that said I think Astro-Boy did this because he was bitter that their LAN gaming club of at least 8-9 years fell apart. It's hard to say whether he did the deathnet news homepage.

Um anyways this is my first forum post, idk if I made this too long. Final opinion I swear, the news site era looked really cool and I totally would've set that to my homepage :,]

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Reply by wyll


https://yyyyyyy.info/ is kinda weird, also some eyestrain

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Reply by Ryandary


Think of all the search engines there are, or at least the ones you're aware of.

Now go to https://jooper.com

I don't know where this came from, who is hosting it, or why, but it just kinda works...?

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Reply by ˚ ༘`✦michii -! ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹


I tried that Mortis cc, but all I see was just a login button

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