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SpaceHey acknowledged us on twitter

The other day I was online look through all the myspace stuff people were mentioning on here when I found the blog judge posted before this group was made. I looked at some tweets after that and I saw one from SpaceHey  This post was coincidentally made the same day that MySpace shut down so I put two and two together. That's when it clicked. Almost everyone on MySpace had twitter or mentioned being on it so SpaceHey knew people needed a new MySpace clone and this was a way for more people would join. I quickly sent out a reply 

The Online Mercedes @exclusiveconte2 
 Jun 30 
Replying to @space_hey Thank you for making SpaceHey. Me and the other people from Windows 93 MySpace are there trying to start over after Windows 93 MySpace shut down. Expect a lot of people without a home at the moment to join. 
After that, SpaceHey sent me this
SpaceHey @space_hey 
Replying to @exclusiveconte2 
 Honestly this is nice. They know we're having a hard time and acknowledged us. They know the migration won't be easy and understand that. What do you think? Please let me know in the comments. Bye!

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Reply by €ØЯЕ¥


Reply by JudgeBigMansion


Hey all, Judge Here:

Full disclosure: 
I emailed An and recommended he make a social media post to get some MS93 users over here.

Before doing so, I made sure to fully check out SpaceHey as a platform and see if its features were up to the standards of MS93 users before doing this. Of course, there's some minor differences in code standards and visuals that gave me pause, but I recognized that this was the next best thing (at least until real MS93 is re-hosted). 

An seems like a cool guy and it feels like this place can work as either a temporary stop-gap until actual MS93 comes back, or as a new or secondary home for those who want to make it one. I'm glad he took my advice and directly addressed the MS93 community in this way. 


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Reply by bonkmaykr


wow.... thanks tibush!!

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Reply by Jaylon55


We are very excited to announce that the folks at SpaceHey acknowledged us on Twitter. We are glad that we can build a community for them, but also because it will help us grow as a community. Right now we have about 50 members. I have to get essay help to complete all my pending assignments. I hope that this site can be home to many people who love SpaceHey, and people who love tech.

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