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Broken Import Statements

Posted by EngiQu33ring


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

After a recent update, using the import statement has broken for a lot of resources. Fonts through google fonts are completely unusable and so are a lot of background images.

All external links now seem to be running through an "https://external-media.spacehey.net" proxy, which seems to be causing the problem. It fails to handle a lot of images, any kind of font, and from what I can tell it's also impacting some users ability to play music.

Being able to customize our page layouts is what got a lot of us into this site. We need a rollback until the new security feature is able to actually handle legitimate content.

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Reply by Marc aka Trogy


Yeah it sucks it also caches everything for days which means my randomized background no longer works and my Covid case count no longer updates with my web app. Oh and not to mention now spacehey has a copy of my code sitting on their side which is probably not legal.

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Reply by Robot


It has been quite some time. It's been about 5 years now since I started using Google Fonts, and it has taken a long time to finally release it, which was quite the feat in the end, but it is definitely a big step forward for the Google Fonts community and I'm very happy to see that the team is working on the new feature and will make it official shortly!

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Reply by Brynna


i know this is 2 years old but im having the same issue and i dont get it!!! its just imgur links that work perfectly fine on other peoples profiles and the page i got the layout from, and theyre not working for me!!! :(

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