Are you guys familiar with SkinWalkers?
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15 Replies
Reply by ixel <3
i'm familiar with the concept of skinwalkers, however we have to remember that they belong to native american belief systems and while i've had some really terrifying sightings out in nature, i don't want to claim skinwalker because i'm just not educated enough and don't feel like i could learn enough from the internet to become an expert. maybe what you saw was just an apparition taking a weird shape? whos to say ghosts always have to look human if all they are is energy?
Reply by _Just_JuJu_
Funny that you mention that; because I am half Native American. (2 diff tribes)
Reply by thumper
A skinwalker shape shifts in order to hide, this thing either looked that way or wanted to fuck with you, but was very not subtle either way. Where was the cemetery? This kinda thing seems common, but being around halloween I wouldn't put it past someone hiding in a costume.
Reply by _Just_JuJu_
It was the "Hell's Gate" Cemetery in Spartanburg, SC.
Reply by thumper
I've got family in Spartanburg so I can ask around, if I was you I'd avoid the place. Ghosts don't do things like this, nor do they care about spooking people most of the time.
Reply by _Just_JuJu_
In all honesty, you're literally the 3rd person that I've shared this experience with; that's said for me to not go back.
Reply by L3X
I meet SkinWalkers only 2 times. I never try to see it, it just meet me somewhere and then disappeared out of my vision. 1st time was when i supposed to meet one of my friends in the park at night. That SkinWalker looked like a cat but with really long back legs (my another fried saw the same look SkinWalker near by that place too). And the 2nd time i was near by my house when i start hearing weird noises near by my house. I looked out of my window and there was little baby with really big head. I'll never forget that noise....
Reply by _Just_JuJu_
I couldn't imagine.
Reply by Quackbur08 (Dop #1)
I had something like that in a dream it was very tall pale skinned with long dark hair, it eyes missing but it had a jaw that was pretty much detached but the teeth had a crooked smile the teeth where long and sharp looking, it’s ribs where visible under the skin that looked tight against the bone. It had deer like legs with no fur at all(I have an eating disorder that makes it to where I always feel full so I don’t notice I’m starving till days later but it’ll make sense as it goes) but in the dream I had woken up in my bedroom hearing a clicking sound under my bed so I did what I do best, be curious, the beast under my bed was staring at me it’s eyeless stare scaring the daylights out of me. I froze but the beast grabbed me with one of its long fingers pearcing my arm, i reached for my baseball bat next to my bed and slammed it’s head with the bat. It let go as I ran out my door running into the living room frantically looking for another person and didn’t see the car outside so I grabbed my dads skateboard and ran down the dirt road, when I got out to the road I turned to see my house was no longer in the dense woods or have the dirt road but it was the normal house I walked home to every week day. Hearing the clicking of the beast I started to skate away idk how but I ended up at someone’s house but the persons face was a blur. Tbh I don’t think much about it just wonder who it was but the house was like big like real real big, but I’m not sure what happened but all the sudden I heard the other person scream and the beast had eaten them alive, I turned an ran throughout the house all the doors seeming to be locked to where I couldn’t get out. I ended up running into it again it being in a half broken window, the beast turned around and grabbed me ripping open my stomach then throwing me against a wall. I struggled but I crawled away hidden behind a couch the couch was now moved the beasts sharp claws where not where my heart should be. Then o woke up and told my friend who knows a lot about myths and told me what it was is a wendigo or skinwalker, couple days passed still had the same nightmare then he told me I need to eat. The night after I ate something the nightmares went away we reasurched about them and apparently one of the things they mean or stand for is hunger. So apparently the thing saved my life in a way
Reply by Dana Scully
Given that this happened close to Halloween, it was most likely someone in costume just messing with you. They make these black bodysuits, or even just one that goes over your head, to make it look like you don't have a face.
Reply by Ecate_
Reply by Hunter
Reply by JRay
That's a great story! Would you be interested in sharing it again? I'm currently in the process of crafting a groundbreaking documentary that will unravel the age-old truth of Skinwalkers. If you possess firsthand experiences, compelling stories, or intriguing theories about these mysterious entities. Whether you've encountered the supernatural, heard spine-tingling stories from generations past, or developed your own theories, your insights are invaluable. This is your chance to contribute to a riveting exploration of Native American folklore and the elusive world of Skinwalkers. If you're interested in getting involved, contact me at
Reply by Spideyy003!!
Since I used to go to farms and stay there when I was little (not in the us) also that where the place I lived I was close to forest/mountains I got to see some things that I will believe are skin walkers, I have a story. So it was late at night and we were awake outside the little house at the farm and I was w my cousins watching a telenovela, and the place where we were staying didn't have walls so you can just see the horizon, basically I looked at saw a deer but he was almost completely white, his face was kinda weird, I got scared and told my cousins but they didn't saw it and it disappeared ;p till this day idk what was that
Reply by Kolton!
Skinwalkers are scary bruh. I've had experience with wendigos, but not really a skin walker. I mean, Ive been like chased and followed by deers on multiple occasions but nothing like that.