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Flash | Playing games and animations and browsing the internet as it was in the early 2000s

Posted by Tommy Panzram


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

I just posted a new blog with some tasty information on how to get back to playing flash games and drinking chocolate milk* like a champion: https://blog.spacehey.com/entry?id=151248

*chocolate milk not included

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Reply by Robot



*theres no magic magic game


http://imgur.com/bX6v9yq.png http://i8r2.wordpress.com/2011/12/23/the_world/

*chocolate Milk not included"


*theres not a magic game"

I think this one should be included as well.

"You know what I'm talking about. If we had the time and money, it could make a whole lot better."

"You mean you could get your ass in the game, but you don't know how?"




I've never been one to be a little bit skeptical of anything that's not a "magic" thing, but I've always found the idea that a lot of games are actually just magic games is ridiculous.

I've been playing the same games over and over and never once having the thought that something is going on in the world that isn't there. It's like a lot of games just have a little "magic magic", like when a guy gets his ass into a bar. I think the same is going on for most of us, but I'm not sure how

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


youtube wasnt even a thing back then you had to download videos sure it took 2 days to download a video in 240p but hey it was the early 2000s

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