Hey guys. I was Larxene in Online on MySpace93. Mercedes told me to join this group now that MySpace shut down. I’m here to tell you guys what happened and here’s a screenshot to prove it really is me.
So I got this message just like everyone else. I contacted The Online Mercedes and asked her to send me a screenshot of her MySpace. She also got the message and we decided to post a blog about the situation on my MySpace account. We compared the screenshots of the email and saw the same ip address. We knew it was a hack because of the IP addresses but only said that it was probably a hack in our blog just in case it wasn’t a legit hack. After that, Mercedes noticed that it was only a security measure because of the comment Koala71783 posted on Tom’s account and then Tom contacted me telling that it was just a security measure. I wish I had known at the time that Me and Mercedes were right and it had been a hack. I’m so angry at Tom AKA Janken because he lied to me about the hack and I can’t forgive him for that. I still had my account active after that and didn’t get banned. Mercedes was online the night before the shutdown and unfortunately, everything seemed fine. Mercedes doesn’t have a recent backup and I never backedup my MySpace info so I’ll just friend any old fwiends Mercedes had. What do you think? Thank you for reading. Bye:(