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Anyone play on PS4?

Posted by Mercy


Forum: Games

Add me! Phantasmagoric27 c:

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13 Replies

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Reply by Markmorbidity


I play on the PS5

What do you play the most :)

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Reply by DreTheSage


I play Uncharted 4, FF7 Remake, CoD: Modern Warfare and Warframe. PSN ID: DreTheSage

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Reply by scp 799


i do but it is out of date and i cant get it connect to the internet 

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Reply by xxxcrusaderxxx616


add my shit @ghostofsparta871

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Reply by Kvartizel


Yep recently i bought it cuz todays prices of current new gen are toooo high and few days ago i finished Spiderman and im lookin forward to buy SM Miles Morales 
>_> finally i can continue colleting game boxes on my shelves again 

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Reply by Sammie M🌻


Reply by lizzy rae


yes!! lizzyraexx

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Reply by Edward


Chances are I probably have 1 or 2 games you have(I have too many games) Send me a fr and message me if you want.

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Reply by William baker


I do, what kinda games are you in to?

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Reply by m0wzie


i play on ps4 and ps5 all da time. wut games do u play?

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Reply by Punk1ky


I play on PS4 and PS5! just add me @ll-Ghost-Girl-ll (its a L, not an I btw)

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Reply by Scara <3


I still do LOL I'm due for an upgrade because the newer games I want to play are only avaliable on ps5 but for now sticking to the old ps4.

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Reply by Dj obZEN


sometimes. I mostly emulate ps2 now

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