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Re learning HTML and CSS code, send help!

I've been able too add the snowflake code (or in my case hearts) but I'm trying too fix the backround too a repeated image or gif and I cant get the code too work right. I've looked here and there are great websites too help re fresh the mind on how code works, I just cant get it too work right... am I doing something wrong? can someone help me out? It's been so long  and I'm trying but nothing is working for me. Can anyone send me a cheet sheet or something? Thank you in advance!

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4 Replies

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Reply by yeseniawolf


It is amazing to be here with everyone, and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with me. The knowledge and information you have provided here are really helpful to me. geometry dash

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Reply by MaximusHill


Hello! I can help you with this problem. You can contact me directly. I have a lot of experience in writing HTML code. I mainly deal with creating chat box widget html code on websites and much more. I hope to be useful to you.

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Reply by Nikko


I remember there being a coding course by google or somebody that helped me.

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