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Astral Projection - No, not Insidious. Get that shit outta here. Dream stuff, too.

I'm talking about the real thing. Does anyone else do it?

I have a recurring dream where I'm trying.. so hard. To go back home to my dad in New York. I live in California and moved out here all by myself, no family or friends, years ago. I keep trying to go home. But as studious control I've learned to have over my dreams and my travels, I can't control this one. Thing is, I almost never make it home. 

I'm always packing a whole room full of things, sometimes it's my dorm room from college or another space, and miss the plane. Or I miss the plane for another reason. Or I make it on the plane but it's the wrong flight or we had to be re-routed. 

The one time I made it home.... my parents were back together again. They had a bad marriage namely due to my mother. I'm a girl who was raised by her father (and my brother in the margins). I reverted to maybe an 11 year old. And I was looking out my childhood bedroom window watching it snow. While avoiding my screaming mother.

I still have this dream and I can't make it home ever again. I'm always packing and packing and packing and never make the plane again.

I can travel other places just fine, demonstrate powers in other realms I don't have here, and I always, ALWAYS come back. I can wake up when I want and do whatever I want. That's why this one experience in particular is so unnerving, and considering the subject matter, so personal.

By the way, does anyone else dream like they're in the movies? I almost always dream like I'm in the audience of a theater watching the dream on a screen. I think it keeps me removed enough from that realm that I can reach in there and get me out if needed. Just a theory. But also my dissociative identity playing itself out in my subconscious in general.

Oh well. What say ye?

Thanks for reading. 

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Thanks for sharing. I have a similar longing for home. This reality doesn't feel like home anymore for me. I feel like I originally came from another reality and in soul form another planet altogether. I can also relate to the fact that my parents are separated. When I dream however I'm usually experiencing it through my perspective and not like a movie as you described. I have had dreams, both conscious and unconscious of still living back at home with my family and my parents are still together. I don't know why but whenever I go to this particular park I always get the sense that after my visit I can go back home to my old house and my Mom will have tacos or something good for dinner waiting for me if I go back. Maybe because it's certain memories associated with when I first started going to that park. I've been going there for 2 decades now.

For the record I haven't been able to achieve astral projection but I know some people in this forum have.

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Reply by The Exotic Neurotic


I get that feeling, because I've had that feeling too. Like if I make the right left turn, I'll be at the dinner table again or something like that.

Thank you for the resposne.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


At least I'm not the only one that feels like that. Thanks again.

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Reply by aworldofhoney


interesting, I used to have the same recurring dream that was personal to my childhood as well. and I also dream from a movie perspective! not always, but its common enough. sometimes I feel like im fully in 3rd person view actually watching a movie with characters and a whole plot. lol its weird 

but, I did get my recurring dream to stop when I would become lucid in them and face whatever was bothering me. if I do ever end up in that dream setting again, its a more positive experience and I can easily leave. 

when we keep having the same dream, it means something about that time in our lives is bothering us or its somethign we havent let go of. if you can manage to become lucid and talk to your subconscious (the characters in your dream) and ask them questions about why youre having this dream, or what important information you need to know, it could stop it from happening again.  I hope this helps

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