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17 Replies
Reply by finn!
I didn't officially have an account around early april but i remember going on the site on april 1st and seeing everyone's cool themes and how they changed it for april fool's day. I miss that :')
Reply by JudgeBigMansion
Oh wow, I had no idea! I only joined MS93 a week before it closed, but I wish I could have seen that.
Reply by Benjamin Fazzio
Reply by Benjamin Fazzio
Reply by hank.wimbleton
i got an account back in november through my friend benrey, but i sadly lost interest at some point afterwards and i didn't start becoming an active member until earlier this year. it's been one hell of a ride and i'll never forget it.
Reply by singsian
any way to change the background for your profile? i've been doing
Reply by asmodeus
I joined MySpace93 most of the quarantine before it was shut down, the things i miss the most are the mp3 attachment on your profile and that you could attach images on comment replies :(
Reply by b0en.g0t.b1tch3s
Reply by gauntykey
I wandered back to myspace93 and was sad to see I couldn't log in and that all posts were from 2021, so I'm glad I saw something abt it here ! I assumed it just was taken down for some sort of reason, but I'm glad spacehey is here to recoup phew
Reply by supraman
i found spacehey after finding myspace on w93 today
kinda sad that the w93 ver. got shut down it seemed slightly cooler than spacehey but its better than nothing
Reply by ~Katie~Khaos~
I miss the old Myspace so much. Those were literally the best days of my life and now they're just gone and I'm forced to adult and I HATE IT! UGH!
Reply by Hatsune Miku
its been soooo long since w93 it feels.....even tho its only been like a yr. I want it back so bad! The environment here is so different . W93 was very creative and friendly i miss it
Reply by ninan
honestly i still miss ms93 even though the shutdown happened a year ago and i still really want it back! i had so much fun making themes and friends there , even tho this site exists it dont feel the same to me LOLL rip ms93, ig janken forgot to release the source code
Reply by Riley
Reply by peter dinklage
Hello, I had used Myspace93 since maybe 2019 to 2021 which I don't remember much, pretending to be like popular figure while being fed up with type/s of people on it.
I know the worst thing about Myspace93 is the account breach (or as what they called it, "database leak") that is responsible for shut down. According insider source, or to be more precise, my memory: Myspace93's database saves passwords in plaintext, which people who is into encryption and (web) security knows that it is 100% absolutely no-no, they should be hashed (one-way encryption) instead. It had been leaked by a person who is trusted by Jankenpopp, who manages Windows 93 and Myspace93 itself. Official Discord server had been shut down before or after that.
Reply by peter dinklage
Hey, speaking of Windows 93:
Has everyone ever heard of Trollbox which is a chat application that came in Windows 93?
Reply by Savannah Whang
I remember I was in high school, my late best friend told me about MySpace and said I should join so she made a profile for me and uploaded a few pictures. I loved writing blogs and making my profiles different every so often, I hated when they changed everything.