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Why did MS93 die? [pinned]

Posted by JudgeBigMansion


Forum: MySpace93 Fwiends Group

This topic is for discussion of the death of MS93, Tom's decision to make the code open source, and just what the hell happened.


Here's the facts:
- MySpace93 is indefinitely shut down
- The MySpace93 news tab was shut down for 2-3 days before the website's death
- The Windows93 Discord is indefinitely shut down (Although there is a secondary server)

Here's Jankenpopp's (AKA Tom) side of the story:
- Jankenpopp's shut it down after an act of industrial espionage involving a former friend 
- Jankenpopp was planning to shut down MS93 once it hit 100,000 users due to the strain of managing such a large community and app 
- Jankenpopp is planning to release the source code in 3 weeks for anyone else to clone and host. This means that MS93 may come back under new management. 

Here's what I've read from other former users:
- Jankenpopp had been storing MS93 login credentials in a plaintext document since the site's inception.
- After a couple years of being ignored, one or multiple users found this document and leaked its contents online.
- Jankenpopp then deleted the Windows93 Discord and shut down the MySpace93 news tab to keep people from talking and spreading rumors.

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37 Replies

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Reply by xVIVIVIx


Hey I remember like a week before myspace93 got shut down I received a notification when I tried to login saying something like "someone else has your password or something you have to change it" which I did, does anyone know how much of a problem is this? I mean who might have seen our passwords or emails? Did this happen to anyone else?  

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Reply by KLCY


I also got a notification and email to change my password, which I figured I got because I had traveled to another state/was on a new IP address when I tried to log in. Waited to fix it but now it is too late RIP 

luckily it is not a pw I use for anything else

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Reply by cybervenus


oh I got a thing telling me to change my password as well, just thought it was a bug!

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Reply by JudgeBigMansion


@KLCY there wasn't even a way to change your account information, so you couldn't even if you wanted to.

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Reply by Genesis


There was an account online yesterday that was saying that there was an info leak and to change your passwords

A few of my friends and I were concerned about it so we saved all our CSS on documents and planned on taking a break for a few days until the situation cleared, guess we can't return now, oops

I'd say that if you use the password for your MySpace on any other accounts to change them, that's what I did.

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Reply by The.Online_Mercedes


Guys you're getting your css soon as well so don't worry if you didn't save it. I remember the news tab was online until the afternoon of Sunday at like 3 or 4 PM when I checked on replies to my blog. The last time I used MySpace was at 9:22 PM on my PC yesterday. Today I woke up and didn't know about the MySpace shutdown until like 2 PM. I'm making a video on this. Thank you for the information

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Reply by Zipper T Bunny


one of the worst parts of all of this is: i wont be able to roast Afton anymore 

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Reply by ilikebreadtoomuch


(Wow I'm probably not going to use this site for anything else but I just wanted to clear up any misinformation)

The full story is: Back in January of this year some community members from the Windows 93 Discord had a group chat in which they found an exploit that allowed them to download every single file from the Windows 93 servers. One of these files was a "users.json" file that contained an email and plaintext password of every single MySpace93 user (At the time 46k). They immediately alerted Janken (Tom) about it (he got pissed).

One of the people in the group chat decided to start DMing the users.json file to random people on Discord. (I should mention that the copy they DMd to random people apparently only had 20k accounts) One of these people was a friend of mine. My friend didn't do anything malicious with the passwords except log in into the Tom account, which had admin permissions to edit anyone's profile on the site. My friend only used these permissions to troll me and other friends by changing their country to "Trollface Ethnostate" or something. They also made a new MySpace account called "The Backdoor" in which they put HTML using the admin tools (Nothing malicious, for example one of the things they put just changed the account's username to appear as green across the entire site).

Fast forward a couple of months until June this year and Janken finds  out about The Backdoor account. He opens MySpace admin logs and sees that my profile was being edited using the admin tools. He DMs me and I explain what happened. He finds out that MySpace93 passwords have been getting leaked. This is where it goes downhill. He does the famous "Your account seems sus" message, except he doesn't say anywhere that he has been hacked and compromised, he just tells people to change their passwords on MySpace only for seemingly no reason. (Also the password was emailed to people in plaintext, which I find pretty funny, because he apparently lied to random people that asked about security that he hashes passwords).

I should probably explain what's wrong with just telling people to change their MySpace93 password after the passwords of 20k users were leaked. A lot of people on the internet use the same password for many sites. This was the case for a lot of MySpace93 users as well. Only telling people to change their MySpace93 password without saying that you've been hacked and that people's passwords were leaked is a terrible way to handle a breach. Nobody would know to change their password on literally every site. What's particularly funny about this is that someone asked Janken to hash passwords to avoid leaks like that and he replied "nobody really cares ^^".

Anyway, after this he started banning random active users from the Windows 93 Discord and MySpace93, and soon he deleted the Discord server. People started making blogs on MySpace93 telling people to change their passwords and they immediately got banned by Janken.

A few days later (June 28th) on Windows 93 /b/ someone posted a 6 GB zip containing everything that was obtained during January including Windows 93 source code of v1 and v2 and a users.json file containing 40k email and plaintext password combos. When Janken found out he shut down MySpace93 and you can read what he wrote on the site. Most of what he wrote is filled with lies and inconsistencies. He says that the site wasn't hacked and passwords weren't leaked yet later he says "Some time ago some users close to me (who had access to my server and who I thought were friends) had fun stealing source code and passwords from me and shared it on discord." (Also "who had access to my server" is a lie, they broke into it without consent).

I'm personally very disappointed of how Janken is handling this. Continuously lying about not being hacked and even banning people from MySpace93 who warn users to change their passwords. There's also a lot of inactive MySpace93 users that used the same password they use on every site on MySpace93, and they probably won't even check myspace.windows93.net again. To me, the best thing he could do is email every 46k users about the breach, explaining what actually happened. 

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Reply by ilikebreadtoomuch


Oh yeah also don't worry about your lost data, a friend has a full archive of MySpace93 that was made the day before it got closed.

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Reply by H3


@ilikebreadtoomuch could you give me a copy of that, so that i can find my fwiends discord/spaceyay handle?

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Reply by ilikebreadtoomuch


I'm going to try to DM you a temporary link because while there is an archive there isn't really a complete viewer for it yet.

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Reply by JudgeBigMansion


Thank you Ilikebreadtoomuch  for posting all that information here. 

And thanks to your friends for backing up our MS93 pages; that is a huge relief!

Let us know if there are any developments on users being able to access their old pages.

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Reply by The.Online_Mercedes


Guys have any information and you guys aren’t gonna like what you’re going to see in this Reddit post. The person in the screenshot of the email shown in the post is Janken. Please click that link that I sent out in this reply: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows93/comments/oayoae/janken_is_janky/

This just proves that Iliketoomuchbread is right and Janken is not handling the situation well at all. The person who wrote this on Reddit made the tool to find out if our account got compromised and Janken said this user is sharing the passwords that got leaked. I checked the tool and passwords aren’t being shared so It’s safe. It just tells you if your MySpace and email were compromised. 

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Reply by jodie


Yea, i remember that MySpace 93 sent me an e-mail saying something about my password, and security things :(

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Reply by koala71783


i am told janken about the backdoor account :(

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Reply by Larxene_Is.Online


Hey guys. I was Larxene in Online on MySpace93. Mercedes told me to join this group now that MySpace shut down. I’m here to tell you guys what happened.

So I got this message just like everyone else. I contacted The Online Mercedes and asked her to send me a screenshot of her MySpace. She also got the message and we decided to post a blog about the situation on my MySpace account. We compared the screenshots of the email and saw the same ip address. We knew it was a hack because of the IP addresses but only said that it was probably a hack in our blog just in case it wasn’t a legit hack. After that, Mercedes noticed that it was only a security measure because of the comment Koala71783 posted on Tom’s account and then Tom contacted me telling that it was just a security measure. I wish I had known at the time that Me and Mercedes were right and it had been a hack. I’m so angry at Tom AKA Janken. He lied to me and I can’t forgive him for that. Thank you for reading. Bye:(

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Reply by ChocoLeite


Goddamn I also got the message to change my account's password,thanks god that mine was only for myspace93 

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Reply by ChocoLeite


So basically by reading the story ppl here are saying,jaken is basically a yanderedev 

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Reply by H3


Not quite YD but still a big fuckup.

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Reply by bowie


damn i was never a user there but plaintext passwords is pretty rookie. at least we've got spacehey now. But do you think you'll move to an opensource ms93 clone if one pops up instead? 

I personally like it here

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Reply by Alonso


it shutdown because of someone THREATENING TO LEAK THE DATABASE

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Reply by Hankuken


wow.. janken handled the situation very badly.... and RIP for myspace93.... , i hope this not happen to other website (like spacehey or friendproject), anyway janken HAD TO advice the members about the hacking... bc as someone up me said, not all the people are able to change password in other website! and ppls are like to use the SAME pass for various website! I hope no user has had any other problems with other website's passwords...!!! 

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Reply by 1882


oh, man. it was p sad to see an community i joined and stayed for 1 year shut down due to hacking, i wasnt even online at that time so i dont know what happened to my account,,

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Reply by GlitchyZorua


people have been talking about it in the other windows 93 discord server.

When you create a fun project, it could turn into a disaster.

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Reply by Cibaoshi


Reply by Grandma Bertha


Reply by Grandma Bertha


@ilikebreadtoomuch Do you still have the MySpace93 backup?

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Reply by awkward.violence


the thing about plaintext passwords alarmed me right when i first signed up, because the site auto emailed me my password after creating my account lol
as Tom Scott said, "If a website emails you your password, run, because they have no idea about security"


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Reply by joxi


kinda very stupid to store passwords in a text document. maybe better that it shut down if that was the level of security there

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Reply by KASPER


Bc of myspace going down, I now cant insult tom


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Reply by tetrahed


Does anybody know where to find the Windows 93 source code?

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Reply by Milo ⛧


i miss myspace93 man :(

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Reply by Jin


(°ー°〃) honestly i would just let it grow, I wouldn't shut it down. it had so much potential and now its gone.(。﹏。*) a year later here i am on space hey, i just figured out about this magical look alike , though tom isn't here to greet me anymore

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Reply by ilker


well uhh theres this other thing called myspace46 heres a link to it https://myspace.f46n.org

very similar to myspace93

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Reply by kittycore


i found the OG link thank's to the wayback machine

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Reply by AmyArtz


this is all honestly really sad :(( I would really like to go back to that account and update it. Maybe one day it will come back

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Reply by mossy :]


I just now found ms93 from a reverse image search and was wondering what had happened to it. I was sad that I didn't get to experience it but bruh a PLAINTEXT FILE??

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