Topic: Weirdest dream you've ever had?

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Reply by CryptCake


I keep having dreams that end up with me loosing my right leg, just below or on my knee.

Every one is different, but it always ends up with me loosing that leg. Once it was a bear attack, another time I got struck by lightning. So not overall the weirdest, but its one that comes to mind.

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Reply by Lucy


last night i dreamed about being in a zombie apocalypse.

i was in a shed with some people and a police officer. through the window of the shed i saw aother police officer getting chased by a zombie. after the zombie got him, it stood in front of the window and looked me directly in the eyes. when i woke up i felt so weird, like it has been real

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Reply by j☆anna


purple squid aliens invaded the world and this old substitute teacher that i had when i was 8 said "ummm this isnt physically possible for aliens" and then they killed her and ate her saggy flesh and the leader alien tried to get his alien son to eat some of her but he didn't want to and then they forced french people to eat purple powder that turned them alien and the aliens started throwing the powder at the sun and the ssun turned purple and all the light was purple

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Reply by Timothy G


I'm not sure whether or not it's the weirdest dream I've ever had, but I did have an odd one the other day. Interestingly, I remembered the dream too (I almost never remember my dreams).

Anyway, in this dream I am starting to leave a mansion like house with multiple rooms. As I'm leaving the house, I notice many children start come down the stairs. These children seem to be mostly preteen and all in school uniforms. It's then I realize that I'm leaving some kind of boarding school (or at least the living quarters of said boarding school).

After I leave the house, I seem to only need to walk a couple of block before I walk into another house before I'm ushered into some kind of office and told a gentleman will come and speak to me in a moment. As said gentleman are talking, I'm apparently engaged in some kind of job interview. After talking with this man for a while, I look down notice I'm wearing a white T-sirt, jeans, and absolutely nothing on my feet.  I apologize profusely for my attire, and just after that I wake up.

Any dream interpreters out there? If so, would you like to take a crack at this dream might mean? 

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Reply by tobey


ive Had weird dreams before but this one really freaked me out, its very recent, about 3 weeks ago, Ill just copy and paste what i wrote on my notes app here:

summary Is i can access an elevator with a 100 peso bill,  Anyone can and if you dont have one you cant use the elevator but you can still get on it, I was tryinf to chase after sans for some reason and i was going through floor after floor, I met this random woman on this weird freaky floor and helped her get back to her original floor but then she stole one of my 100 peso bill, i though i lost her so i just went and bought some stuff but then i came across her and got my 100 peso bill back, i tricked her to go up the ceiling which leads to another different floor, she then went and the ceiling hole disappeared, went back to the elevator place where some people are and i heard a few people trying to find me for some reason ??? so i went on a random elevator (apparently the elevators are categorized) and there were these 3 people in there(both are tall, 2 are female, one is male, has some sort of a fish for a head-esque thing) then we got on a random floor and this freaky lady with diluted pupils looked at us and started spewing on about how one of us isnt supposed to be here and how its disrupting something and then looked directly at me which made me hide behind the fishy boy guy, and then the elevator door closed before she got to do anything else and so that freaked me out so i asked them for help because i didnt know what to do so the fish boy guy told me to stay close and huddl and close my eyes, saying something like relocating my soul somewhere else or something and then i feel like i was getting stretched and pulled apart and it kinda started to hurt a little, Like i could literally FEEL it, i was freaking out abit during this process so i then woke up cause of it

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Reply by Timothy G


Although I haven't had this dream in a while, I have the following dream a few times:

In the dream, I am riding a bicycle around, presumably in a neighborhood that I'm living in. As I ride the bicycle around, I notice that I am able to ride the bicycle up the porch or deck stairs and into a random house in the neighborhood. While I'm in the house, I take the bicycle for a spin around each room in the house all the while I'm completely aware that I better hurry up and get out of the house before the owners come home and catch me in there. In one iteration of the dream, one of the rooms has a a black cat that just sits there and watches me take the spin around the room. 

That's really all there is to the dream.  Thoughts about possible meaning?

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Reply by bimpin


short & simple but i dreamt that my pal's copy of mario kart wii had specific "sounds of torture" & "art of violence" settings that i had to turn off

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Reply by Zo


I keep seeing the same people and the same places in my dreams. It’s repetitive, I’ve been to the same store with my cousins twice, the same forest with the same friend twice, and last night I had a dream but I remember nothing.

Pretty weird!

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Reply by Sar


TW: Teeth

  This one time I had a dream where I was in my village near my grandparents' house, and then suddenly I realized my tooth was loose so I decided to reach into my mouth and pull it out and I was surprised by easy it was, so I reached in and pulled another one. Then another, and another, until I started losing myself in and started instead vomit out a large amount of teeth on the ground below.

Weirdest part is that it wasn't a bad dream.

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Reply by 606


About a year ago I was lucid dreaming about hanging out with a spirit. After some time I remember being dragged away by an old lady and the spirit tried to reach out to help me get away from her, but it was no use. I woke up in my room, except it was mirrored and some of the clutter around me was misplaced/disfigured. I knew I was still lucid dreaming at that point, but I decided to get up anyway. When I went downstairs into the kitchen I saw that same spirit waiting for me in front of the stove. She ran up to me and hugged me saying things like "I've looked everywhere for you!" and "do you know how hard it is to travel around here?"

To this day I vividly recall everything about that dream like it happened for real, and it's so bizarre.

The only thing I can't really remember is the transition between the dream and waking up, everything just kinda faded away or something.

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Reply by BloodyFang


I was makeup shopping, then I knew I has to get out of that shop by 10pm. Look at my watch and it,s 8:88. Woman smiling like in the Smile movie tells me I know what I have done and I will pay for it. Shop disapears and I'm in a complytely black space with a crowd of similai Smile people looking at me. I'm scared shitless. I turn into a F1 car, my face facing down. The floor is DISGUSTING, poop piss bugs and mus all over. I have to do donuts and basically drag my face at high speed in that floor while that creepy crowd laughs at me. I'm back in the shop. The crowd entered the shop, trying to grab me. Superman from "Superhero Dc Girls" saves me. I wake up praying.

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Reply by WOWZIE


probably not my weirdest one of all time but the only one I remember right now-

I was a character in this made up video game, he was called something basic like Alex. I was still me in the sense of he had the same clothes as I did, but he looked way different. The game was some sort of boarding school/college simulator, I was in a room with someone I know irl. She wasn't acting the same though, I also really liked lego in this dream? Anyways I think I played the game wrong because a term flew by and I hadn't made any friends, not even the girl I knew. The last thing that happened in the dream was my roommate dragging me out of our room to meet with some of her friends, two girls? one of them might've been a boy actually, I don't remember too well. but we were suddenly over in a town I lived in a few years ago, walking past my old school. One of the girls held me back while the others walked ahead, she confessed that she really liked me but when I was about to respond we were called to hurry up and go into my old school. We all wandered around it for ages, then we began walking back to our dorm. When we got back I locked myself in the bathroom and just kind of stared into the mirror?? I remember looking at my wrists but I cant remember why. After that someone knocked on my door really panicky and broke it open and told me I had to pack because I was in big trouble. I never got to know where I was going or what I did because I woke up LMAO

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Reply by Momomo


The weirdest dream I have ever had is that I woke up in school and was having a killer headache but the entire school was after me so I needed to run but then I saw my gf and my headache stoped End of dream

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Reply by 「★Thea★彡」


not a dream, but it keeps showing up. it's this yellow american schoolbus that follows me and keeps trying to run me over, but it does it in a way you'd see in a poorly made roblox cutscene. and it just.. follows me? i'll like FLY to avoid it and it'll just phase into existence and it's kinda funny :3

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Reply by Evkita's


Yo tuve un sueño en el que tuve que caminar eternamente por la calle principal de mi ciudad, tenía un extraño filtro que hacía que todo se viera azul y constantemente veía a mis padres con cadenas o cosas por el estilo, también había una voz algo robótica que me estaba recalcando que lo que veía ahí no era mi familia. Fue algo raro y en su momento incluso aterrador 

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Reply by Emily Valentine


I've had this dream that's semi-reoccuring. 

Every once in awhile I get a dream in my childhood home where i can walk outside of the house, but the street is empty and cold, it's always dark out, the lights are never on in the other homes, and I always feel like some force is preventing me from fully understanding what is going on, but I feel a presence. 

The other events in the dream are random, but there's always themes of either aliens, burglars, or some sort of theme of something watching you. It's a weird mixture of childhood home comfort, but that same type of empty feeling you get in a dark liminal space, safe to say they're not fun to wake up from!

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Reply by Nadz


i recently had a dream i was a mermaid, and the singer Chappell Roan was also a mermaid and we were kidnapped by the pope John Paul II. Not the full dream, but definetly the highlight of it 0_o

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Reply by Venustrap


Had a dream where i ripped out my skin and ate bugs out of it. def a weird dream lmao but the bugs didn't taste half bad ngl

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Reply by ismit_02


yo hace como un año masomenos soñe que estaba en una casa en un timpo bosque, lo malo es que esa casa yo sentia que la conocia, aun asi sali de esa casa agarrada de la mano de mi hermana cuando nos adentramos aun mas a ese bosque y derrepente estaba yo sola....despues de eso estaba corriendo a esa casa de nuevo por que al parecer alguien me seguia, solo recuerdo que esa casa tenia escaleras de maderas, las subi y tenian varias habitaciones, todo muy limpio eso si, yo seguia corriendo a esconderme por que no queria que me encontraran...pero mi pregunta es ¿que me seguia? despues solo senti un fuerte golpe y una detonacion de p1st0l4. No se si akguien mas a soñado que le d1sp4ran pero se siente horrible.

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Reply by DORA


once I had a dream where my parents got divorce and my mom found a new man who SA me in my dream but then he stopped and said "today you're stubborn so we are gonna continue tomorrow" and nothing has happened since then

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