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2000 tech

Posted by gdb


Forum: Retro Computers Group

i still remember the sound of a dial up modem calling...

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Reply by Shadow Bliss


One thing I have really grown to love in retrospect is the presentation of Windows XP compared to modern operating systems.

I mean they threw music like this behind their tour.

That level of true appreciation and love for the customers is something you'd never get today in an OS. Its now literally shit you just want to skip over because of how simple it all is.

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Reply by Josh


Currently visiting this site from a Windows XP VM.Probably not the safest/smartest idea but hey.  n o s t a l i g a

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Reply by SaranSDS008


or the sound of your dude appearing online in AOL IM xD

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Reply by delicious2003


Never will forget the beautiful Symbian ringtones!

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