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Discovering Synthwave

What were your first forays into synthwave? How did you find and discover synthwave as a genre?

Here's mine:

Almost 10 years ago I was listening to some John Carpenter via youtube and in the related videos section there was a group called Starforce with some cool looking 80s futuristic artwork as the cover. The track was called Dreamfuse, and that pedaling bass synth really took me in and I ended up binging the entire First Relic LP.

After that I saw the term New Retro Wave thrown about so I searched for that and came across some mixtape style videos. Perturbator and Protector 101 were the 2 tracks to really grab me on there.

As I listened to more of them my little brother told me about a game called Hotline Miami that had a soundtrack featuring Perturbator, so I went and checked it out. ever since then I have been routinely looking at synthwave/retrowave/outrun mixes to find new tracks to enjoy, as well as making some of my own under the music name S.W.H (youtube.com/swhmusic).

Please share your stories, I'm interested to see how other people discovered this varied genre.

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8 Replies

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Reply by Nihilgorath


Through Hotline Miami (HM2 specifically). Played the first game, didn't pay that much attention to its soundtrack at the time  (love it now) but liked the game enough that I had to play its sequel. Hotline Miami 2's soundtrack stuck with me. I was introduced to Carpenter Brut, Perturbator, Mitch Murder and Mega Drive through the game and have then come across more and more artists I through those over the past two and half years or so.

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Reply by NukaLibre


Not gonna lie.  I'd heard some synthwave stuff before.  But what really got me into researching things was the movie Kung Fury.  So much fun, and a good intro to what's out there.

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Reply by Pencil


Reply by Lost Beach Boy


I first heard my taste of synthwave through hotline miami kinda like nihilograth but i played the first one over and over again and the main thing that kept me coming back was the soundtrack. After that I started to see synthwave in a bunch of different places. A lot of videogames have been using synthwave or adjacent styles in their OST's and that really drew me in. After that I started to seek it out on my own. A lot of youtube rabbit holes have brought me some really awesome tracks that I still listen to today.

Then hotline miami 2 came out and I fell in love all over again haha. The soundtracks for both of the games were amazing and I still listen to them today. I also do some video game soundtracks and it has always been super inspiring to see all of the different artists on both of the games really create a really deep atmosphere with those nostalgiac sounds.

Thinking back I might have heard some synthwave before those but I didn't really get into it until after HM came out.

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Reply by SWH (Punk Jesus)


I hear the Hotline Miami thing a fair bit, that game did wonders for synthwave's visibility

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Reply by Lost Beach Boy


Yeah it did! Before that I feel like their wasn't a whole lot outside of a few other exceptions. I feel like I first got a very small taste of the sort of synthwave aesthetic from grand theft auto vice city and movies like blade runner. GTA:VC was just oozing with that kind of aesthetic charm. 
Now I feel like there is so much of those youtube synthwave comps, spotify playlists, and video games that it is pretty easy to stumble into some synthwave or adjacent genres! Especially with games like cyberpunk 2077, maximum action, and cloud punk.
Movies and other media have also been heavily influenced in the past 5 years I feel like as well just look towards stranger things, the new blade runner, and other smaller videos and images that have surfaced through social media and small indie houses. 

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Reply by SWH (Punk Jesus)


Yeah definitely. I gotta be fair those compilations on youtube are the modern equivalent of those breakdown compilations from 2006 helping to make the genre boom. Prime Thanatos springs to mind, especially where I appear on a couple of his compilations :D

And The uptick in film and game media adopting synthwave aesthetics, or in some cases being just outright synthwave/outrun/retro-futurist has definitely had a knock on effect. I just hope the space doesn't get stagnant with everything starting to look too generic. I've seen plenty to affirm those fears but thankfully not so much in the main stream.

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Reply by Hera


The Midnight is one of my FAVES musically and aesthetically. So stoked to see them this Fall :) they're great live. Highly recommend! 

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