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Black Triangles in the Sky

Posted by ⋆Pixie⋆


Forum: Paranormal Stuff Group

I just found these videos!

These appear to be giant floating triangles in the sky. So far there doesn't seem to be an explaination on them either. The first video was recently and spotted in China


The 2nd video (which I think is the more eerie one) is from 2018 over the Pentagon. The triangle even seems to rotate at some point!



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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


TR-3B craft perhaps! If so those are our technology. They are modular and form together into a giant "mothership" of sorts. I'd like to know what the people are saying in the Chinese video.  Although I'm not entirely sure what the pyramid is in the youtube video. I suppose they both could be pyramids though. You do have to be careful of hoaxers tainting the credibility of the UFO community but I don't know. Fascinating stuff, thanks for posting! :)

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Reply by ⋆Pixie⋆


Maybe? Looking into it a bit I think ppl suggested it was something of ours but others pointed out some things tht didn't have an explaination. Supposedly China has been seeing some weird UFO things lately too. Yeah the 2nd youtube video is especially creepy and noone has a answer for tht one haha. There IS another video of these triangles but tht 1 got debunked quick! Probably will have to look into it more all together ;P haha.  

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