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When Did You First Become Interested In Your Path? And When Did You first Start Your Practice?

When and How did you first start your practice? And how did you become interested in your chosen path?

I will go first I first became interested in my chose path as an Eclectric witch at the age of 16. I did not start my practice until I was 18 after some studying of some different paths and finding that all of them spoke out to me in their own certain way. I then started to put some of what I learned in to practice. But I still study and read everyday because I have learned as a witch there is always something new to learn.

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Reply by Dani Machina


I grew up catholic, but I had a lot of mental trauma with it (to which I did get counseling and Ive healed from it).

I started the path when I was 22 years old (Im 33 now). I learned it from a friend, in some aspects. I loved her and I love her still, but she was getting pushy on what kind of magic I should be using and it almost pushed me entirely from practice (because it was starting to sound like church all over again).

In 2014, I met a kind soul named BDevine... and I learned a bit from here. I also did my own studies, and found what fit me best. After all that, and some shadow work, I found where I wanted to be and Ive been happy!

I like to do kitchen rituals, healing, protection, and everything that just brings good around me. I don't like to give myself a "label" because I feel that only hinders what I could do.

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Reply by Odin's Child


I chose this path when I was in middle school. The Christian God didn't help me, so I wanted to help myself. So I have 6+ years of witchy experience. I'm also pagan/Levayan Satanist.Β 

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I started my initial interest in the practice when I was in my teens (I'm 29 now). I was moving away from the Christianity that I was raised on and stepping into spiritual independence. Eventually, I went into complete atheism as well as denouncing all esoteric/spiritual beliefs. Recently, I've felt a pull to diving back in and I've learned to follow my intuition. This is part of where my intuition leads.

I'm excited at the prospect but I still don't practice with deities. My research into my ancestry shows a lot of spiritual unpacking and healing is necessary. I hold a lot of generational trauma as well as suppression of feminine power. I've already been the brakes to generational trauma for my children in many ways but this seems to be the next step.

I *need* to connect to nature more. I *need* to focus positive energy somewhere good and negative energy where it belongs. I *need* healing on every level and getting back into witchcraft seems like the avenue I never should have stepped off of.

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Reply by Donny !


Im kinda new to witchcraft so I would say I really started at 11 and thats when I appointed myself a witch; but I did also study witchcraft but for dumb reasons

It was because of my grandma and her religious rants. It pissed me off so I started to study the occult. I find it kinda funny that one of my now passions was formed because I wanted to spite my grandma .Β 

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Reply by Genavive


I grew up in the christian church, but have been experiencingΒ  supernatural and paranormal things for as long as I can remember. I've been interested in witchcraft since I was probably 9 and started practicing when I was 11. I've always had a very strong connection to the outdoors and nature, specifically to forests and bodies of water

Something that I notcied when I was around 15 was that I have always been followed by an abnormal amount of crows. They have always been everywhere I am, and they have been my favorite bird for a long time. On top of that, my family seems to always have stray cats and dogs that show up at our house. some for a short time, some of them stayed, but every time I'm the one who finds them and I always seems to be the person they stick closest to

Finally, I experience premonitions regularly. Since I was a kid I always knew when one of our family members was going to visit or die because I would have dreams about it. When I was 11 I had a dream that my mother was going to miscarry, and the next day it happened

So in general I've been experiencing things for a very long time and I am a witch. I dont really sign myself to a specific religion. there are many more things I could go into, but I'll leave it at that for now

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Reply by !!Pokkou <3


Most of my life i was an atheist and i turned out to be a hellenist. I started my path as a witch/strega at around the age of 12. It made my life better as i always had a feeling that i wasnt alone. The gods and spirits are always with me and thats what makes me feel safer.

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Reply by rabbitry [sys]


πŸ’‹my mother introduced me to witchcraft when the body was 10, and my interest in witchcraft just sorta grew from there. i would call myself a hereditary witch, a crystal witch, an eclectic witch, a hedge witch and a grey witch.

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Reply by Kolton!


I started my practice when I was like 11. I have spiritual upbringings and had many spiritual experiences. Idk it kinda felt like I had no choice but to indulge in it. It's just part of me now.Β 

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