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Toys catalogs

Another thing I miss from that years are... toys catalogs! I'd probably buy everything even now xD Those catalogs were usually enclosed to children magazine/comics especially during Christmas time. They were the main cause of my daydreams!

Here's the link to an italian blog where you can find one of those catalogs, the year is... 1988!
Clicking on the first image you will see, in order, the following... At page 16 there are some dinosaurs that i TERRIBLY WANT NOW! xD
If you have any links or photos of other toys catalogs from 1980-1989 show them to us!

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6 Replies

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Reply by New & Improved Segaboy


The Sears Wish Book was the enemy of so many parents. If you ever NOT wanted a kid see everything they didn't even know they wanted, hide the wishbook. Lol

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Reply by DarkMiryam


I googled it and I discovered that at Sears had.. ehm.. curious tastes when it came to fashion: https://mondomolly.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/234.jpg

I'm not sure if I want one of those or not xD

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Reply by Starbrite Sprinkles


My pap had a JC Penney credit card, so I mostly remember their catalogs from the '90s. My mom would always get one from Thrift Drug (that became Eckerd that became Rite Aid), and I'd spend a good amount of time circling things that I wanted, though she rarely purchased them. There was a Breyer horse barn that I desperately wanted.

My main interest in the '80s was My Little Pony, and I usually learned about new ones from their package inserts.

This is fabulous: http://www.plaidstallions.com/jc/833.html
Two years before I was born, though.

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


I wish I still had my old Sears and JC Penny catalogues, just so that I could use them as a guide to expanding my toy collection, as I'm sure I've forgotten many of the toys I had back then. I loved spending hours upon hours looking through the pages and picking stuff out that my parents never ordered for me...lol.

I've seen a few pop up on eBay at ridiculously high prices.

I hope this isn't against the rules but here is a link to 243 scanned catalogs from Sears and JC Penny. I came across it while doing a Google search. https://christmas.musetechnical.com/

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Reply by Cory Walton


I still have a few Wishbooks JC Penny's and Sears. Not mine from childhood but one's I have repurchased. I remember going through them with my sister and circling/writing our initials next to every thing we wanted!! Great memories!

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Reply by C0ZM1C_D0LL


Zomg yas, I live 4 old CATALOGS***

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