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The Allegedly Haunted Hayswood Hospital is For Sale!

The Hayswood Hospital located in Maysville, KY has long been rumored to be haunted. Strange lights, cries of children are just some of the alleged claims of activity there. There was even a report of a Dogman attack there a few years ago.

A few years ago, two brothers purchased the abandoned hospital in hopes of restoring it for a paranormal attraction.  But they have decided to sell it instead of restoring it.

If you have always wanted to own a haunted location, Hayswood can be yours for a price of nearly $1 million dollars. 

(Hayswood is the group photo).

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Reply by Brachelle


That's interesting why did they stop restoring it

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Reply by Joe Clark CGH


I've heard multiple reasons as to why they stopped restoring it.

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