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Social Commerce - Our Internet interactions come at cost. [closed]

I was part of a podcast talking about "Social Commerce". It's big part of the current state of the modern internet and how our interactions affect others.

9 min Podcast:

What do you think are some ways to get better more meaningful interactions on the interact (besides just being nice)?

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Reply by sadgrl.online


Hey, thanks for sharing your podcast! I think it's great you're participating in discussion about the state of the internet today.

As for how we can make it better... I have a couple of ideas but I'm still working on structuring them in a good way. 

On modern social media (for those who don't want to/can't give it up):
- Only follow people you intend on interacting with or whose content you really want to see. I see so many people following 1k+ users on Twitter/Insta/etc. but due to algos and whatnot, you probably only see like 1/3 of the total content.

- Make it a habit to interact with other people in a genuine and meaningful way. Ask questions. Make conversation. Make connections.

- Let go of needing to create a social media account that aligns to your "real" identity (I realize this is not possible on some platforms such as Facebook). Use an alias, a pfp that isn't your face (picrews are good for this). This allows you to release the fear of being 'found' by someone irl if you're worried about your interests flagging potential workplaces (or if you just don't wanna be found by irl friends).

- Discord is a great place for community nowadays (not just gamers). Look up some Discord communities you are a part of, or you can join some likeminded internet friends here (18+ but minors are welcome, just be polite!)

- All of that said, if anyone has any ideas on how to destroy social media from the inside, hmu! :D 

Outside of modern social media:
- Spread the word on how to surf the web which is basically finding cool websites not part of social media.

- Similar to the above but make an effort to go outside of the commercial web "bubble" and discover/explore other websites.

- Create your own website and make it creative! It doesn't have to be about -you-. It could be about your interests, your writing, art, anything!

- Get friends into these things as well! Show them how much stuff is out there. The more people you tell about these tools, the more people will be interested in it.

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Reply by Greg "X" Willis


I joined your discord server today actually. I'll introduce myself formally during the week, but I'm loving what you are about so far. It's clear your passionate about the topics you discuss. Kudos.

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Reply by Greg "X" Willis


A new podcast discussing Social Commerce even more.

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