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bandom intros!!

super interested in everyone's place in bandom... let's do a q&a :D

1. name, age (if you're comfy with it), and when you got into bandom!
2. what's your fave band?
3. what's your fave label? 
4. were you active in bandom? ex: on twitter, tumblr, livejournal, etc
5. did you read/write fanfic? be honest lol. we've all been there
6. if you said yes, what's your fave bandom fic?
7. any otp? (it had to be asked... it's 2021 and aggressively shipping real ppl is weird but we all had our phases okay)
8. ever meet any band members/get replies online/etc?
9. what concerts have you been to?

i'll post my answers in the forum too! have fun and get to know some ppl :3

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Reply by *✧・゚:*sarah✧・゚: *✧・


1. my name is sarah, i'm 23, and i got into bandom when i was around 13. i got way back into it during the quarantine though so around 22!!
2. fall out boy is the all time fave, but for a solid 5 years i lived and breathes panic! at the disco. i still stan ryan ross 100%
3. fueled by ramen had the best classic bands lol. my scemo trinity (better than emo trinity imo) was fob, patd, and cobra starship
4. i was on bandom twitter when i was 13-15 or so and tumblr bandom from like 15-17. i stopped using them and lost a ton of followers tho, now i'm back in twt but it's not the same lol. and i stalked lj for fics but was never really active on there
5. i have read a million fics and have written probably half a million of them. to be ashamed or not to be ashamed?
6. obviously throam but tbh i really do read it for the plot lmao
7. i was 100% a ryden shipper. nothing hit the way they did and i do still think SOMETHING was going on with them, no matter how official or unofficial c;
8. i've gotten replies from a few ppl here and there, but never met anyone irl :( but patrick stump, dallon weekes, andy hurley, jon walker, alex suarez, etc are just a few!

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Reply by colleenieweenie


Just rediscovered this group!!

1. I’m Colleen, 17, and I first got into bandom when i was about 11 with fall out boy!
2. I have a lot of favorite bands, but fob is forever my favorite
3. DCD2!
4. I have an alt/bandom art blog on instagram 
5. *deep sigh* only read, luckily I didn’t go too far lmao
6. Okay not because of the romance I swear it’s just for the writing but November 1st maybe?
7. A very cruel question,,,, p*t*k*y
8. Yeah! Noticed by a few, most notably Vic
9. I was lucky that my mom took me to a lot when I was younger, I don’t quite remember which ones

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Reply by austin problem


1. i'm styx/austin/carden/moth! i'm 16 years old and i got into bandom abt 3 years ago :]
2. favourite bands are fall out boy nd cobra starship
3. decaydance!!
4. no?? :/ i mean my tumblr's spentthenightdancing and i have a dcd2 folder there with like all of release the bats and stuff and it has a couple of notes
5. yeah lmao though i don't ship anything
6. i don't really have one??? maybe one of pyrchance's works
7. once again don't ship them BUT gabe and william def had something going on
8. unfortunately no
9. bands never come here so  none :P

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