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What are your favorite content creators when it comes to gaming?

Game reviews, Let's plays, History of gaming, etc. It doesn't matter if they are on youtube, twitch or other platform. There are a lot of people who make amazing content and it would be amazing if you shared your favorite ones.

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50 Replies

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Reply by Budweiser


As far as Youtube content goes, I really enjoy Dunky and Vinesauce. I watch more streams though, and my favorite streamers are XQC and Asmongold.

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Reply by sputnik


for me it is altimamantoid, he almost play the og doom games and his content is just original - no trendy bs...

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Reply by Steven 🦇


I've been watching a new YouTuber called Cynthetic. She's got under 1000 subs and is playing through the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time; she just started ME 2 a few days ago. She's great imo, because she really pays attention to stuff (even side content) and puts pieces together. She also doesn't overreact or try too hard to be funny. 

There's also Dali Popka and N64 Glenn Plant. Popka does reviews/reflective's of original Xbox games. He just seems like a chill dude and has a passion for the OG Xbox. Glenn Plant does the same but for N64 games.  

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Reply by jojo


sometimes i watch vtubers and game grumps. I like vtubers because the technology behind it is really interesting to me and i like game grumps because of the funny animations.

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Reply by Monster Zero


Scott the woz is probably the best video game content creator at the moment. I also really like watching the hololive vtubers, they're all really fun girls.

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Reply by cooldude94


Outside of Vtubers it's videogamedunkey for me all the way. Though sometimes I'll just browse random small let's players for their reactions to certain games.

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Reply by xnoodle_armzx


My two most favorite gaming youtubers are moenaomii and tommyinnit!! ^^

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Reply by @ℕ𝕋!𝟝𝟘ℂ𝟙@𝕃


I like coryxkenshin mostly cuz im interested in scary games

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Reply by Tyler Sims


EthosLab has been my constant for years now. He makes almost exclusively MineCraft videos and is a very chill guy. 


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Reply by ¤Man¡x


People with personality who keeps me laughing like Choctopus and Oneyplays. 

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Reply by Monsoon /\╭(ᴼᴼ౪ᴼᴼ)╮/\


Markiplier is kind of nostalgic for me, but I also like RTGame and Failboat! 

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Reply by Sskg


I like a lot of different stuff. ACG for reviews, tomatoanus for speed runs, then there's this other guy that does the history of gaming records, particularly Trackmania. Can't remember his channel name though.

Sir Swag is always good for a fun and informative time, and the Dooo and his friends are darkly hilarious. Kevduit makes his friends play bad games, and Aches and Bordie have fantastic FPS gameplay while being just about the trolliest Girls on the Internet(TM).

It might be a bit mainstream these days, but Girlfriend Reviews is also fantastic IMO. I also end up following YouTubers for whatever games I'm playing the most obsessively at the moment.

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Reply by Milla


Reply by ollie


I've been watching GameGrumps for a long time, so theyre really nostalgic, but I gotta say CallMeKevin. He's hilarious and so chaotic.

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Reply by Elliejojo


Been around YouTube a long time so my favs change frequently, but my top 5 definitely have to be:

  1. Kitty0706 (r.i.p king)
  2. MsBreezy
  3. Vinesauce
  4. Vargskelethor/Vinesauce Joel
  5. Vanossgaming

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Reply by ipawwd 🎸🎧


ldshadowlady, especially crazycraft 

also captainsauce 

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Reply by solitonmedic


I like watching ManlyBadassHero for his indie horror game playthroughs. He's much more tolerable then Markiplier. 

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Reply by Jesse


On Youtube my favorites are probably RGT_85 and Spawn Wave. On Twitch one of my favorites is CrReaM.

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Reply by usernamekitty


been really enjoying gamegrumps and lets game it out recently!

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Reply by xXkf100Xx



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BROFIST ..........

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Reply by Happy_Dark_Relem


somecallmejohnny, it's no contest lol

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Reply by VGFN


Chuggaaconroy is an absolute classic. Been in the game since the platform dropped and is one of the granddaddies of Let’s Plays. Unlike a lot of LP’ers he likes to talk and educate people about the games he plays.

He’s currently playing through Paper Mario 64 again now that he knows way more about the game


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Reply by Baldur Shild


Civvie 11, Grim Beard, and Ahoy are all great in their own ways. Civvie especially fills that boomer shooter spot in my heart very well.

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Reply by ★.saro.★


I found this new YouTuber his channel is jack Sather and he makes amazing videos, I really enjoy watching his videos <3

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Reply by levi‼


Definitely ManlyBadassHero! He uploads every day and plays mostly small indie horror games, with the only exceptions being stuff like Poppy Playtime or FNAF:SB, but him playing big games like those is rare. I also really like Jerma and Kwite.

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Reply by Gizmoid


I watch Jerma986 and everyone in Vinesauce, I probably watch Joel the most though with Vinny being a close second. I also watch Coryxkenshin a lot, I love his Chillas art playthroughs!
John Wolfe and C1tikal are way up there for me too. 

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Reply by natty


manlybadasshero, kubz scouts and ldshadowlady.. i love them sm

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Reply by Katarzyna Richelle


My favorites are CallMeKevin because I love how he creates utter disasters with his game characters and has adhd like me I also love Markiplier, CinnamonToastKen and Buffpro, and finally last but not least ManlyBadassHero bec he finds many indie/small games to play and I love his commentary. 

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Reply by arte9__


My fave gaming content creators are:

  • CallMeKevin
  • RTGame
  • Jacksepticeye 
  • Indeimaus
  • NicoB
  • Limmy
  • AstralSpiff

There would be more on my list but I either outgrew them (a lot are Minecraft related), they dont make content anymore, or they did bad things and I dont support them. 

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Reply by Angel


For gaming, I always look to YouTubers! My personal favorites are Kubz Scouts, ManlyBadassHero, and NicoB!

I watch Kubz Scouts for a good laugh!

I watch ManlyBadassHero because he introduces me to cool indie games I would have ignored if I found them on my own. 

And I watch NicoB for his awesome voice acting skills while he commentates on the games he plays! 

They're all super awesome at being Gaming YouTubers for different reasons, but I love them all equally. <3

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Reply by C1тiz3N89б


ruben sim even after he got sued by roblox

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Reply by C1тiz3N89б


and sirstephen

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Reply by hachmaxo


ah, it's gotta be Coryxkenshin, absolutely. samurai stand up‼

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Reply by Roses Glitter


Nathuniel! A Fortnite streamer

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Reply by DeciSpark 🍉


On YouTube, I watch ClementJ64 , SlimKirby, NewfieBangaa, MandyleePlays, ChuggaaConroy, Slowflake, ZetaPlays, Trasknari, Miss Bubbles, and RedHotSonic. Over on Twitch, I watch Elmza, livviiy, jyggy11, RichardSage, and MisterScoot, just to name a few.

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Reply by E420


Youtube wise it'd definitely have to be Kubz Scouts. I've been watching him religiously since 2016 and I'll never stop. He's my absolute favorite youtuber and I've found half the games I like from him.

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Reply by joey(❛⺲❛⭑)


pretty unoriginal but i reallyy love markiplier, coryxkenshin and kubz scouts. especially since i love puppet combo's games and they've all played atleast one of them

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Reply by JulianK


I really like watching CoryXKenshin or Jacksepticeye and I have been watching them for 7-8 years now so I have been watching them since 2016/2015. Pretty long time ago and I still remember watching them

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Reply by roro


Reply by whoah


Radicalsoda hands down, always puts in the effort to make an in depth, well put together and inhumanly charismatic video on whatever subject he talks about and is one of the few youtubers still chugging along that im genuinely excited for whenever they upload, after 6 years of me watching him I still get giddy seeing him in my latest subscriber upload thingy "because fuck recommendations I'll choose my videos myself thank you very much"

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Reply by Happy nature boy


wilburgur, he makes great classics from buggy bethesda games, also jerma, but he doesnt game that much anymore, but he has like 5 million gaming streams recorded so i doubt anyone will run out of things to watch, also tobiasfate, he has great yt edits (and also thats how close I can get to seeing league of legends gameplay)

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Reply by FL33W4Y


for me mostly the whole Vinesauce crew cause they the only ones i know and watch gameplay of games i never played 

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Reply by AlexXenon <3


Kubz Scouts, DanTDM, and Kwite 100%

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Reply by desire is a dog


theradbrad on yt is my go to for playthroughs!

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Reply by infernum



i also like watching pyrocynical's long form video essays about games

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Reply by Zero


i dont really watch gaming videos anymore, but when i did markiplier and jacksepticeye were definitely my favourite ones

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Reply by Roscoe the Sloth


  • Dashie
  • Berleezy
  • CoryxKenshin
  • Hollow
  • ManlyBadassHero
  • 8BitRyan
  • Markiplier
  • MistaGG
  • DegenDom

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Reply by Gonzi


  • Ahoy

  • Alpha Beta Gamer

  • Civvie11

  • SsethTzeentach

  • MandaloreGaming

  • Noclip

One thing worth mentioning: I don't watch too much gaming content nowadays, but I still watch some of their videos every now and then.

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Reply by grobzoid



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Reply by Nicholas (music on prof🎧)



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