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Wanting to learn more

So I grew up catholic. Left it when I was about 15. I am still monotheistic in that I believe there is one creator, source, almighty, whatever you want to call it. I've heard it called the all by some wiccans. Anyways I still want to learn about things and explore all paths. I know so little about heathen/ Norse religion.  Is there a difference between asatru and heathenry?  What about gender roles? LGBT?

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Reply by Floki


Very good questions! To start off, asatru, anglo saxon, heathenry, etc. are still norse paganism, they're just sub categories. For example with christians, how there's baptist, evangelical, pentecostal, etc. They generally believe the same things, but there are differences that make them their own. I personally am a heathen, and i practice as closely as possible as my ancestors did. Historically accurate, from the sagas and other ancient texts we may have to be able to reconstruct the religion. 

As far as gender roles? I mean there aren't really gender roles per say, women were treated equally to men, they have rights, freedoms, ability to do the same things as men do. Compared to other parts of the world and how their governments were run. they were well ahead of the times when it came to equality. The only thing i can really say that's gender specific is seidr/volva. Being a volva/seer was seen as a feminine, and a form of magic/ connection that was 98% of the time for women. And if men practiced it, they were looked at weird and looked at as less manly for practicing it. However Odin practiced and wanted to do so to learn more and have more knowledge. People of course talked shit, but they respected him because he's the god of wisdom and knowledge. 

As for the LGBT community, there are no issues or anything problematic for people like that who wanted to practice norse paganism, or within history during the viking times. Men slept with men, (warriors), women slept with women, men dressed as women, women dressed as men. (hard to tell which identified as male or female, or if they just cross dressed.) But no matter what it was all accepted and you weren't punished for being that way. Besides, in norse paganism, it's encouraged to embrace those parts of you. And if you're transgender that would get even more encouragement if you ask me. Because it would be a form of shapeshifting if you wanted to be technical about it. And some of the gods shapeshift, (loki specifically) he could change himself into anything he wanted to be, and be with whoever he wanted to. 

Wiccan is also different from Norse Paganism, it's sorta similar, but the beliefs are much different. For example we don't use pentagrams/pentacles, etc. 

There's just so much information I could give to you, but I'd rather leave it here so you can unpack this for yourself. If you have anymore questions I'd love to answer and explain more to you. You have very good questions. 

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Reply by Stephanie


sounds interesting

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Reply by Drengr


Sorry 7 months late but if your still interested in this topic you should really read the Prose Edda and Poetic Edda. The easiest way to explain it for a Christian is this was basically the Viking bible. Had stories and situations but all of them have a meaning behind them and a lesson to be learned. It will also give you a grasp of what they believed in and what the gods role was. Massive family trees from the Aesir etc so much to learn just like in the Christian bible.

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Reply by Ash_I_suppose


The naming thing really depends on the person, I identify as a heathen as opposed to Asatru because Asatru is derived from the Aesir (gods like Odin, Thor, etc). I do not only worship Aesir gods so I don't call myself that. I also say norse pagan when I am trying to describe my faith to people who aren't as aware other cultures.

For LGBT it also depends! If you're on a social media websites heathen group then you're probably safe unless it is explicitly nazi shit yk. I'm pretty sure half the population on r/heanthenry is non-binary lol.

Also in some ways you can be monotheistic as a heathen because in some religions like Hinduism there are different gods, but, they are all one just different versions of the same god to attract people to the certain god. I don't personally believe that but I wouldn't say someone isn't a heathen for believing it.

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