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What Game or Series do you Dislike?

What game or series do you dislike, and why? I'm not a fan of the Bioshock series. The concept for the games is pretty cool, but there's just something about the games that bothers me. I can't quite figure out what it is that I dislike about the series, but there's just something there. :o

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Reply by Budweiser


For me its Final Fantasy. I love the art style and the world but I just can't do the turn based combat. I've heard the newer ones aren't turn based so maybe i'll get around to try one of those someday.

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Reply by sputnik


...the mario franchise from Nintendo - followed by zelda and metroid in 3d / the world has enough from these ip's imo

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Reply by N30V3N0M


I never got into the Assassin's Creed series.  Never really interest me.

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Reply by Ðꧧï©åtêÐ ©ø®þ§ê


Call of Duty and every military shooter in existence.

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Reply by Kitty


Okay I know alot of people like this but I just cant stand Call of duty Ive never played a good call of duty they are so boring the maps are so plain and the story are always so dry I just cant with it.

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Reply by Olive Oyl


Kingdome Hearts. I tried to like it, but I found it very boring :/

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Reply by cooldude94


Dark Souls, particularly the first one. It's way buggier than I can forgive. But for the rest of the series and games in the same style I will never understand how tedium and repetition equate to "challenge". The combat isn't that difficult, engaging, or complex. If you had a traditional checkpoint system you would fly through the game. It's the pain of having to do everything back over again every time that creates the "challenge" which really ends up only being a challenge of your patience. lol. It's like "Are you patient enough to play the same 20 minute or so chunk of this level over and over until you finally get it?" I think that's pretty cringe. When I beat it I just felt duped, like I wasted my time. But to each his own I guess. lol

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Reply by O Alentejano


Uncharted and TLoU.
Uncharted cause it killed Prince of Persia, who did the whole thing a lot better.
TLoU mostly for the pretentiousness around it.

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Reply by Shadow Bliss


Despite playing it to completion, I dislike Wolfenstein 3D. Its a game where a majority of what it does well, DOOM did better which, okay fine, outdated game is outdated, right? Well for me personally, the worst aspect not related to that is the secret areas. There are no clues as to where a secret area is and you sometimes need to know where they are to get critical items in order to beat a level. DOOM understood how to do a secret area better - you don't HAVE TO find them to beat a level and even then there are clues the game gives you to clue you into them being there (a wall texture not fitting, out of place patterns, etc.). I played Wolfenstein 3D to completion because of its history but those are serious strikes against playing it for any reason other than that.

Another one I retroactively decided I didn't like is Assassin's Creed. I played them all the time as a teenager but after going back to them however I seriously couldn't tell you why. When I got to 3, I only played for an hour and I think it was either so bad it turned me off the entire series or I realized I just didn't like the formula and that game just took away the distractions that made me enjoy the games. Either way, when I've played any of the older games since, I haven't been able to get into them and I haven't bothered with any of the follow-ups.

As far as my playing games goes, that's about as far as I'll go. Whenever there's a game I dislike, I'll usually turn it off after 5 minutes.

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Reply by KiethBlackLion


I can't stand games like PUBG and Fortnite. I've tried both and frankly they've just become a breeding ground for microtransactions and unfortunately, those games have bred numerous copy cats. Even Call of Duty added Battle Royale to their lineup. I liked COD back when it focused on an actual single player story campaign (the original ones on PS2 and Xbox up through World at War). 

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Reply by RainbowRawrXD


I really dislike the Call of Duty franchise mainly because of how stale, boring, repetitive, and recycled the franchise is. I am really not hyped for Vanguard like at all

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Reply by RainbowRawrXD


I really dislike the Call of Duty franchise mainly because of how stale, boring, repetitive, and recycled the franchise is. I am really not hyped for Vanguard like at all

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Reply by Aaliyah Anderson


Call of Duty. Gave it a whirl when Infinite Warfare dropped, but I couldn’t get attached. I can understand the appeal, though, just not for me.

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Reply by Monster Zero


Life is strange. The writing makes my head hurt, I understand that unlikable characters have their place in media, but when the writers will constantly give you reasons to hate a character then expect you to care about them at the last second for no good reason... I just don't know what to make of it. I don't think this series would bother me as much if people didn't seem to like it so much, I have no clue how a game like this gets both a sequel and a fanbase. Won't mention gameplay considering it's nonexistant.

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Reply by gyaruXOXO


huniepop. its so weird and so are the devs 

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


sonic 2006 it was fucking awful


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Reply by DeryckEleven


I’ve played a lot of stinkers in my 30+ years of gaming, but I don’t remember most of their names these days. I used to have a list of games to never rent again back when that was a regular occurrence for me. 

Caveman Games on the NES is probably the worst game I’ve ever owned that cost me something. I got it via a trade for a TMNT action figure in 4th grade. Definitely got the shit end of that stick. I had a couple of games for my Apple II C that sucked, but they came with the computer from my aunt that she gave me so I could type papers for class.

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Reply by Mason kupke


Kingdom hearts and final fantasy boring and only exist for the money

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Reply by knotslip


fall guys

got boring after like 5 hrs of playtime + i suck at it 

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Reply by Grimsleepy


i know most people will be mad at this but kinddom hearts i can't stand that game

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Reply by rip2hobodega


I'm open-minded with sports video games but FIFA and Madden NFL are just not for me

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Reply by monokuma


Sports based games like fifa and NBA2k, the COD series, battle royal games, most storytelling games, chess and homestuck thanx

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Reply by Nehiri


Danganronpa. Used to love the series until I played the third game, the third game was so awful that it made me hate the whole series lmao

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Reply by Deadmac5


Halo 4 and 5... what else is there to say?

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Reply by Zero


those games like fifa and madden that get re-released every year with no difference except for the year on the box, they literally only exist so that ea can make more money

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Reply by Nicholas (music on prof🎧)


Call of duty. I really did try to get into it, but it was so eh to me..

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Reply by λF41ry⦻🍉
