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Deranged Rules!!! [pinned]

Posted by Ash Deranged


Forum: Deranged SpaceHey Gamers Group

Since this group is gaining more members quickly (which is amazing!) I decided it was time to post the official rules for this group. Please keep in mind that failure to follow these rules will result in a warning and then a ban/report for failing to follow the rules.

  1. Follow the basic SpaceHey Rules.
  2. Be respectful to each other.
  3. Do NOT block any of the mods/admins. You will get banned immediately.
  4. No sharing personal information (full name, location, etc.) 
  5. No sharing other people's personal information.
  6. No spam allowed.
  7. No sexual content of any kind is allowed. 
  8. Mature rated game talk (talking about any game that has the M rated label) will be monitored by mods/admins.
  9. Topics that may be sensitive/controversial to others are not allowed.
  10. Anything that may cause a trigger warning (TW) must be labeled at the beginning of the post, comment, or in the subject line.
  11. Spoiler alerts must be labeled at the beginning of the post, comment, or in the subject line.
  12. No advertising, selling, or promoting will be allowed. Promoting your streaming or video content is allowed. TikTok content will be allowed as long as it involves anything gaming related and is not advertising or selling anything.
  13. All artwork/videos MUST be credited when posted. Anything found off of Google or a related source must be mentioned and the original link to it must be posted. If you do not know the name/username of the original creator then do NOT post that content.
  14. ALL links posted will be checked for legitimacy.
  15. ONLY gaming related talk will be allowed here. You are allowed to post your social media as well as gamer tags on here as long as it is gamer related. However, you are NOT allowed to post your Facebook, OnlyFans, Wattpad, Spotify, or any other similar sites/apps.
If there are any rules you feel should be added to the list then please leave them in a comment below or message me so I can review them. Thank you all so much for joining this group, and I hope we can keep this going for a very long time! :D

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1 Reply

Reply by Cindy Nemi



  1. ONLY gaming related talk will be allowed here. You are
    allowed to post your social media as well as gamer tags on here.
    However, you are NOT allowed to post your Facebook, OnlyFans, Wattpad, Spotify, or any other similar sites/apps.

I feel dumb for having to ask, and I guess I don't really have intentions of sharing any of this anyway, but it's actually not clear to me what the distinction being made here is.

You are allowed to post your social media, but you are not allowed to post your Facebook "or any other similar sites/apps." The line isn't clear to me where the divide is between allowed social media and what is not allowed. Facebook, OF, Wattpad, and Spotify are all very different websites from each other that I do not understand the commonality between.

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