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Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself and where you are on your self work journey here regardless of whether that work has included shadow work or identity work. I'll go first:

I'm Emmie, I'm a life coach, shadow weaver, gamer, writer, witch, and more. I really started my own self work practice a few years ago when I dove straight into shadow work. I had a ton of unaddressed trauma, had spent the 8 or so previous years trying to shove myself into a box I never realized wasn't meant for me, and everything was coming to a head so I decided to do something about it. 
I struggled with shadow work because it does require acceptance until I found identity work and life coaching. The key learnings with that pursuit brought me from a place where I now knew more about myself than I ever wanted to, to accepting these disparate parts of myself and feeling so much more whole, happy, and measured. I still have a lot of work to do. This work never truly ends because we have a constant stream of new information coming in that effects how we feel about ourselves and for me because that trauma I didn't deal with kept me from dealing with so much more like gender, sexuality, mental health, occurrences that were too much to deal with so I took it in and shoved it down. Now as I work on myself, I also do what I can to help others.

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