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Posted by Reggie Boruto


Forum: SEGA Group

Sega.com in 1997 - 2002. Can anyone remember going to the site back in those days.
I myself was totally obsessed with SEGA, Here is stuff I can remember and was wondering what you all remember about the old SEGA.com website. Also anyone remember SegaWeb.com a weird spin off site not by SEGA but posted a ton of Shenmue coverage and JSRF ?
Anyway I remember SEGA.com had at one point Message boards filled with SEGA fans and in those message boards you could pic your own lil AVATAR sega pic ! I remember one point back in the day SEGA changed the site drastically because a famous SEGA CEO passed away, a very old man who was in documentary I seen later said to have Saved SEGA from using hihs own bank account. Also who remembers SEGA having their own messenger APP ??? U like AIM / MSN messenger ?  I can remember when you could purchase off their website a SEGA Dreamcast Broad Band Adapter. I later sold mine to a hard core SEGA fan back in 2008.

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Reply by Lexi


Man I don't really remember any of this except for the fact that you could get online with the dreamcast. I wish I wasn't 7 when I got mine so I could have gotten online. I heard those broadband adaptors are real expensive now.

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Reply by Reggie Boruto


Oh yes the dreamcast was online in 1999. You could surf the web. Download a Mp3 song LOL. ANd if you had Sonic Adventure and went online with it you could enter a huge SONIC ADVENTURE chat and or SEGA Chatroom. Filled with mainly HARDcore sega FANS. IT was a DREAM COME TRUE

I was 14 when Dreamcast came out.

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Reply by Lexi


Wow it seems way cooler then the original xbox live, The only use for the browser disc for me was the game sega swirl lol

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Reply by Reggie Boruto


Oh I see. I played a TON of Sega Swirl :)

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Reply by Carboniferous


The old Sega site from 2000 was the best! It looks so slick and cool, especially with that dark theme it had. I wish Sega would go back to that design.

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