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Blocked Glitch?

Someone that blocked me (I did not block them) is still showing up in the Browse section whenever they are online. The people that I have personally blocked do not show up in the Browse section, but the ones that block me, I can still see them in the Browse section. When I click on their profile photo, it alerts me that the user has blocked me. Is anyone else going through this same issue?

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Reply by Frankkie


Yes, if someone blocks you, but you don't have them blocked, you can still see them in browse, and even their comments on other profiles, bulletins, forums, etc.  This is definitely  flaw.  

In order to not see them in any way anymore, you would have to block them back.  It's not like on facebook where if either person blocks the other that they both become invisible to each other.  On here, you have to block each another for that to happen.  

A couple of months ago, I noticed that An added the 'Block this person too' link on the page where it shows that someone has blocked you.  It wasn't there up until a couple of months ago or so.  I think this was his solution to this issue, as basically a work-around until he can re-program the blocking system to be a two-way block if just one person blocks the other (like it works on fb).

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Reply by 🩸Dripping Venom🩸


If someone Blocked me, Ash, I'm shown that they did, and I'm also given the choice To Block Back...ha...

...which I promptly do.

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