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Are you excited for E3 this year?

I sure am!  I'm going to try and watch every single conference.   Hopefully, this year will be awesome cause I feel like, gaming wise, things have been rather lackluster due to the pandemic, which is understandable.

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Reply by ꜱʜᴇʟʙᴢ


Th only thing I am looking forward to is hopefully gameplay of Shin Megami Tensei V. I haven't really been keep up with much else haha. 

edit: actually, that's a lie. Maybe a new crash or spyro game would be cool

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Reply by Budweiser


Always excited. I know it won't happen but I am really hoping to see something Fallout related that isn't trash. 

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Reply by Ash Deranged


I usually watch mostly for gameplay only. I use that to help determine if I'll even consider getting a game. Sometimes some games have too much hype around them and then they end up not delivering very well. Hoping we have a lot more games that actually deliver this time around. :D

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