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Past lives and pass live flash bags and reincarnation

Do you believe in reincarnation or a past life or rebirth if so please mention this in the comment section and tell me your story of your most prominent past life that you remember the most. I’ll start right now right here with my past life flashback.

I was in Thang dynasty China and I was  actually fell asleep, I noticed I was blowing out needles of poison towards the enemy of the Tang Dynasty which would probably be around Genghis Khan’s time I was the wind assassin that means I was small and agile and I I would blow out or spread out through a straw I need a little poison and then run like hell and then report back to the emperor to tell him about my deed or near miss Where in the dream I did not end up dying at all for any reason because I was in one of the fastest wind assassins are on the planet I have the time or in earth as they would call it in Chinese history as the most celebrated when does the ass in there was. That was my past life flashback

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Reply by Shadow Bliss


I can't be sure. I mean if past lives are a thing, what would be the limitations?

I'm open to the idea that they exist, I just have never had any confirmation.

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Reply by Xx.MYDOOM.xX


i dont really hold any strong beliefs in it but i think its a cool idea that could very well be true.

im fictionkin so i kinda think in a past life i was a version of gamzee makara from homestuck, i have one very vivid memory of being high and haying in my (maybe) matesprits lap. i cant remember what they where saying but i think it was tavros. that probably sounds fake but i remember it and believe it so thats all that matters to me

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Reply by root


Fuckin idk.

Would be cool though, guess Ill find out when I die???

like I said idk...

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Reply by weed mem


Open to discussion

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Reply by ev


try past life regression meditations. its cool

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Reply by yuki rosemoon


I believe in reincarnation and that I have many past lives, some being nonhuman, some more historical or ancient than others. 

The one I often talk about the most is when I was Arabelle. I believe I might have been half asian half british, I know of several different siblings and cousin's names and what not. I had dark hair and grey blue eyes. In this past life I was a vampire, and my father was abusive and locked me in a castle tower for a majority of my childhood. I went to a boarding school at some point called Nevermore, and wore a red and white uniform. I think this was during the victorian era as well. The one I loved was a man named Lucas, he had green eyes and dark hair, but I was forcibly betrothed to another, and lived in this dark castle on a grey beach. 
I did horrific things in that past life, some memories blocked out. It was dark, gloomy and sorrowful. But I come back to be reminded of that life often, many people I know now in this life, were connected to me in that past life. 

I also have other lives such as being a fae/sidhe named Iya, or a anarchist teenager named Sam, or a sailor named Astrid. 

I don't remember every single life I've had, but it's interesting when I get memories of some. I like to talk about those things, even if not everyone does. 

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Reply by tko_voxman


Like I mentioned in my intro comment on the other thing, I believe I may have been a Wendigo in a past life. I have memories of the dark woods, blood and water, the feeling of meat being torn, my loved ones screams.. the pain, the sorrow, most of my memories [regarding the Wendigo and my other fictional character memories] are in fragments that just, stick out from my now, real life memories, and can't be so easily brushed off as dreams.. walking and running, on my legs and on all fours, my face after the transformation, I don't super remember my life before transforming or during the beginning of my life as a Wendigo, but I remember  it being painful, and then, I just.. stopped, feeling it. I was a wendigo. no longer human, just an animal.. a being of longing and pain.. now I 'm here! :]...heh...heh..hm...yeah.

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