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favorite buffy soundtrack songs

so i used to run a tumblr for the music of BTVS, actually the only buffy music blog in existence which still exists at radiosunnydale.tumblr.com (most of the audio posts prob dont work now tho) but my Q is what are your favorite songs from the whole buffy soundtrack?

mine are Sugar water by cibo matto (s2ep1) never an easy way by morcheeba (s3) THC -overfire  (s4) The shins new slang s7
plus a lot more tbh they used a lot of good songs!

can't forget the musical episode too lol

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4 Replies

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Reply by Colin Gregory Antes


"Charge" by Splendid, and "Lucky" by Bif Naked are my favorites.

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Reply by Amoni Warren


I was going to say the musical episode 

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Reply by Priyen


Ballad for dead friends 

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Reply by absolutely wretched


Sugar Water was the first that came to mind as well. I don't know the name of the song, but I believe it's in Surprise; when Drusilla is dancing and getting ready for her party. Other than that give me the entirety of OMWF lol

edit: oh yeah I remember looking up bif naked as well on apple music recently because of the song they played on Buffy

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