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Posted by Laura Grey


Forum: 420HEY Group

Story time. Go.

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Reply by Honey NoBunz


I wish I had a cool story to share. My life is pretty boring.

Everything I do IO do it high so its really just my norm.
Medical life.

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Reply by Laura Grey


I believe I was 17 at the time. I smoked out of a “steamroller” for the first time. I vaguely remember sitting outside of my grandmothers house at 3AM with my aunt sitting in a pile of snow. My aunt however claims it was like 10PM and I was sitting on the swing. 

We still argue about it. 

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Reply by sterling


I was around 8 years old or so when I first got high. My big brother was blowing smoke in my face and later a big ole smile plastered on my face while i had a big bowl of lucky charms while watching cartoons.

Another time I got high was middle school. Got faded with my brothers and cousins and hours later after returning home my grandmother found me under the bed asleep while hugging the broom.

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Reply by Max


Omg. Have I got a story. 

So, I'm one of the many people fortunate enough to have to take antidepressants. I take two, and one is in an XL dose. Needless to say, I have to be careful about my consumption because of this.

Learned this the hard way when I took ~15 hits off my then GF's pen for around 6 seconds each hit. I was higher than the furthest planet in our solar system, and as it turns out, I was experiencing serotonin syndrome. I did as any stoner would do when realizing they're on a bad trip and simply tried to enjoy the good bits. 

This resulted in me thinking I could talk to her cat, a chubby orange tabby, and that he could see my soul. I was talking to him in god knows what language! 

My girlfriend, knowing I was having a terrible time, tried to lighten the mood. She grabbed a nerf gun and pointed it at me and I absolutely freaked out, fully convinced she was holding an actual gun. I was so far gone lol.

Many other hilarious and illogical moments ensued, but I can't remember all of them for obvious reasons. 

Moral of the story, if you take SSRIs, be careful with your dosage!! I very nearly ended up in the ER, but was lucky enough to come out of the experience with some very funny (and embarrassing) stories B)

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