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Our friend the Sasquatch. Patterson-Gimlin film, etc

My favorite cryptid would have to be none other than the lovable old Sasquatch. Just the thought of a 10 foot tall possibly inter-dimensional hominid roaming through the remote forests of the world makes me feel like a giddy kid on Christmas. I've gone back and forth on the theory of whether or not the Patterson-Gimlin film is authentic but I've come to the conclusion that it is real. The proportions of the body, the movement, the definition of the musculature and the fact that the creature has breasts leads me to believe that it is the real deal. As with many fringe topics there are those that taint the subject with hoaxes and claims that they were the supposed person in the suit. There are also claims surrounding this film that state that the creature was one of a group that included some offspring that were brutally killed  by U.S. special forces.

Two of the best youtube channels I've found regarding sasquatch and other paranormal experiences in the woods are linked here:

Personally I have yet to see any sasquatch or meet anyone who has seen one. So if anyone has had any experiences please share!

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I haven't seen those videos but I'll definitely have to check them out. Hypothetically speaking even if that film in question is a fake there is no doubt in my mind that something is out there. All of the testimonies from witnesses all over the world throughout history confirms it.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I watched one short video yesterday now I'm watching something more in depth from Todd himself I belive. Stay tuned for my impression of it!

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Ok so I just watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1zPhzmhM7k

It certainly really makes a good case! After watching this I'm left with the same feeling of wonder and curiosity I had when I saw the UFOs. I'd go with about 80% certainty that it's authentic. Best footage since the Patterson-Gimlin film. I don't know how this flew under my radar! Thank you so very much for bringing this to my attention. I'm going to make a post in here for this video and show my family.

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Reply by Squid Died


i think its interesting that so many countries/cultures have their own variations of this creature haha

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Yes absolutely! It adds further confirmation of it's existence. I believe it's highly probable that they exist throughout the world.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


It could be that they're inter-dimensional. Portal opens up with the UFO and the Sasquatch comes through maybe.

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